Search Results for author: Jürgen Fleischer

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

A review of systematic selection of clustering algorithms and their evaluation

no code implementations24 Jun 2021 Marc Wegmann, Domenique Zipperling, Jonas Hillenbrand, Jürgen Fleischer

As the selection of the right clustering procedure is crucial to the results of the data analysis, users are in need for support on their journey of extracting knowledge from raw data.


Localization and Tracking of User-Defined Points on Deformable Objects for Robotic Manipulation

no code implementations19 May 2021 Sven Dittus, Benjamin Alt, Andreas Hermann, Darko Katic, Rainer Jäkel, Jürgen Fleischer

This paper introduces an efficient procedure to localize user-defined points on the surface of deformable objects and track their positions in 3D space over time.

GAN based ball screw drive picture database enlargement for failure classification

no code implementations20 Nov 2020 Tobias Schlagenhauf, Chenwei Sun, Jürgen Fleischer

The main goal of this paper is to generate synthetic images based on the generative adversarial network (GAN) to enlarge the image dataset of ball screw surface failures.

Classification Diversity +2

Context-based Image Segment Labeling (CBISL)

no code implementations2 Nov 2020 Tobias Schlagenhauf, Yefeng Xia, Jürgen Fleischer

Based on published gated PixelCNNs, we demonstrate a new approach referred to as quadro-directional PixelCNN to recover missing objects and return probable positions for objects based on the context.

Image Inpainting

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