no code implementations • 27 Jun 2020 • A. B. Boyd, J. P. Crutchfield, M. Gu
We introduce the thermodynamic principle that work production is the most relevant performance metric for an adaptive physical agent and compare the results to the maximum-likelihood principle that guides machine learning.
no code implementations • 7 May 2020 • S. E. Marzen, J. P. Crutchfield
Inferring models, predicting the future, and estimating the entropy rate of discrete-time, discrete-event processes is well-worn ground.
no code implementations • 17 Oct 2019 • S. E. Marzen, J. P. Crutchfield
Reservoir computers (RCs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs) can mimic any finite-state automaton in theory, and some workers demonstrated that this can hold in practice.
no code implementations • 23 Sep 2017 • S. Loomis, J. R. Mahoney, C. Aghamohammadi, J. P. Crutchfield
Given a classical channel---a stochastic map from inputs to outputs---the input can often be transformed to an intermediate variable that is informationally smaller than the input.
1 code implementation • 6 Jul 2015 • A. B. Boyd, D. Mandal, J. P. Crutchfield
We introduce a family of Maxwellian Demons for which correlations among information bearing degrees of freedom can be calculated exactly and in compact analytical form.
Statistical Mechanics Dynamical Systems Chaotic Dynamics Biological Physics Chemical Physics
no code implementations • 26 Jul 2014 • P. M. Riechers, D. P. Varn, J. P. Crutchfield
Given a description of the stacking statistics of layered close-packed structures in the form of a hidden Markov model, we develop analytical expressions for the pairwise correlation functions between the layers.