Search Results for author: J. William Murdock

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Fast and Light-Weight Answer Text Retrieval in Dialogue Systems

1 code implementation NAACL (ACL) 2022 Hui Wan, Siva Sankalp Patel, J. William Murdock, Saloni Potdar, Sachindra Joshi

Dialogue systems can benefit from being able to search through a corpus of text to find information relevant to user requests, especially when encountering a request for which no manually curated response is available.

Re-Ranking Text Retrieval

ARES: A Reading Comprehension Ensembling Service

no code implementations EMNLP 2020 Anthony Ferritto, Lin Pan, Rishav Chakravarti, Salim Roukos, Radu Florian, J. William Murdock, Avi Sil

We introduce ARES (A Reading Comprehension Ensembling Service): a novel Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) demonstration system which utilizes an ensemble of models to increase F1 by 2. 3 points.

Machine Reading Comprehension Natural Questions +1

Ensembling Strategies for Answering Natural Questions

no code implementations30 Oct 2019 Anthony Ferritto, Lin Pan, Rishav Chakravarti, Salim Roukos, Radu Florian, J. William Murdock, Avirup Sil

Many of the top question answering systems today utilize ensembling to improve their performance on tasks such as the Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) and Natural Questions (NQ) challenges.

Natural Questions Question Answering

CFO: A Framework for Building Production NLP Systems

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 Rishav Chakravarti, Cezar Pendus, Andrzej Sakrajda, Anthony Ferritto, Lin Pan, Michael Glass, Vittorio Castelli, J. William Murdock, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos, Avirup Sil

This paper introduces a novel orchestration framework, called CFO (COMPUTATION FLOW ORCHESTRATOR), for building, experimenting with, and deploying interactive NLP (Natural Language Processing) and IR (Information Retrieval) systems to production environments.

Information Retrieval Machine Reading Comprehension +2

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