Search Results for author: Jaak Simm

Found 14 papers, 6 papers with code

Self-Labeling of Fully Mediating Representations by Graph Alignment

1 code implementation25 Mar 2021 Martijn Oldenhof, Adam Arany, Yves Moreau, Jaak Simm

In this paper we investigate the scenario of domain adaptation from the source domain where we have access to the expensive labels $V$ to the target domain where only normal labels W are available.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Domain Adaptation

Latent Convergent Cross Mapping

no code implementations ICLR 2021 Edward De Brouwer, Adam Arany, Jaak Simm, Yves Moreau

Discovering causal structures of temporal processes is a major tool of scientific inquiry because it helps us better understand and explain the mechanisms driving a phenomenon of interest, thereby facilitating analysis, reasoning, and synthesis for such systems.

Causal Inference Time Series +1

Multilevel Gibbs Sampling for Bayesian Regression

no code implementations25 Sep 2020 Joris Tavernier, Jaak Simm, Adam Arany, Karl Meerbergen, Yves Moreau

Additionally, the use of correlated samples is investigated for variance reduction to improve the convergence of the Markov Chain.

Bayesian Inference Clustering +1

ChemGrapher: Optical Graph Recognition of Chemical Compounds by Deep Learning

1 code implementation23 Feb 2020 Martijn Oldenhof, Adam Arany, Yves Moreau, Jaak Simm

Many thousands of scientific articles in chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences have investigated chemical compounds, but in cases the details of the structure of these chemical compounds is published only as an images.

Deep Learning Drug Discovery +2

Expressive Graph Informer Networks

1 code implementation25 Jul 2019 Jaak Simm, Adam Arany, Edward De Brouwer, Yves Moreau

Applying machine learning to molecules is challenging because of their natural representation as graphs rather than vectors. Several architectures have been recently proposed for deep learning from molecular graphs, but they suffer from informationbottlenecks because they only pass information from a graph node to its direct neighbors.

GRU-ODE-Bayes: Continuous modeling of sporadically-observed time series

3 code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Edward De Brouwer, Jaak Simm, Adam Arany, Yves Moreau

Modeling real-world multidimensional time series can be particularly challenging when these are sporadically observed (i. e., sampling is irregular both in time and across dimensions)-such as in the case of clinical patient data.

Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Time Series +1

Highly Scalable Tensor Factorization for Prediction of Drug-Protein Interaction Type

no code implementations1 Dec 2015 Adam Arany, Jaak Simm, Pooya Zakeri, Tom Haber, Jörg K. Wegner, Vladimir Chupakhin, Hugo Ceulemans, Yves Moreau

Method: to analyze the interaction types we propose factorization method Macau which allows us to combine different measurement types into a single tensor together with proteins and compounds.

Drug Design Vocal Bursts Type Prediction

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