Search Results for author: Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth

Found 14 papers, 7 papers with code

Risk and cross validation in ridge regression with correlated samples

no code implementations8 Aug 2024 Alexander Atanasov, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

Recent years have seen substantial advances in our understanding of high-dimensional ridge regression, but existing theories assume that training examples are independent.

regression Time Series +1

Nadaraya-Watson kernel smoothing as a random energy model

no code implementations7 Aug 2024 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

We investigate the behavior of the Nadaraya-Watson kernel smoothing estimator in high dimensions using its relationship to the random energy model and to dense associative memories.

Spectral regularization for adversarially-robust representation learning

1 code implementation27 May 2024 Sheng Yang, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

To this end, we propose a new spectral regularizer for representation learning that encourages black-box adversarial robustness in downstream classification tasks.

Adversarial Robustness Representation Learning +1

Asymptotic theory of in-context learning by linear attention

1 code implementation20 May 2024 Yue M. Lu, Mary I. Letey, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Anindita Maiti, Cengiz Pehlevan

Transformers have a remarkable ability to learn and execute tasks based on examples provided within the input itself, without explicit prior training.

Diversity In-Context Learning +1

Scaling and renormalization in high-dimensional regression

1 code implementation1 May 2024 Alexander Atanasov, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

This paper presents a succinct derivation of the training and generalization performance of a variety of high-dimensional ridge regression models using the basic tools of random matrix theory and free probability.


Long Sequence Hopfield Memory

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Hamza Tahir Chaudhry, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Dmitry Krotov, Cengiz Pehlevan

Sequence memory is an essential attribute of natural and artificial intelligence that enables agents to encode, store, and retrieve complex sequences of stimuli and actions.


Neural networks learn to magnify areas near decision boundaries

1 code implementation26 Jan 2023 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Sheng Yang, Julian A. Rubinfien, Cengiz Pehlevan

This holds in deep networks trained on high-dimensional image classification tasks, and even in self-supervised representation learning.

Image Classification Representation Learning

Contrasting random and learned features in deep Bayesian linear regression

no code implementations1 Mar 2022 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, William L. Tong, Cengiz Pehlevan

Moreover, we show that the leading-order correction to the kernel-limit learning curve cannot distinguish between random feature models and deep networks in which all layers are trained.

Learning Theory regression

On neural network kernels and the storage capacity problem

no code implementations12 Jan 2022 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

In this short note, we reify the connection between work on the storage capacity problem in wide two-layer treelike neural networks and the rapidly-growing body of literature on kernel limits of wide neural networks.

Parallel locomotor control strategies in mice and flies

no code implementations22 Dec 2021 Ana I. Gonçalves, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Megan R. Carey, Damon A. Clark

Our understanding of the neural basis of locomotor behavior can be informed by careful quantification of animal movement.

Depth induces scale-averaging in overparameterized linear Bayesian neural networks

no code implementations23 Nov 2021 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

Inference in deep Bayesian neural networks is only fully understood in the infinite-width limit, where the posterior flexibility afforded by increased depth washes out and the posterior predictive collapses to a shallow Gaussian process.

Representation Learning

Asymptotics of representation learning in finite Bayesian neural networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Abdulkadir Canatar, Benjamin S. Ruben, Cengiz Pehlevan

However, our theoretical understanding of how the learned hidden layer representations of finite networks differ from the fixed representations of infinite networks remains incomplete.

Representation Learning

Exact marginal prior distributions of finite Bayesian neural networks

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

For deep linear networks, the prior has a simple expression in terms of the Meijer $G$-function.

Activation function dependence of the storage capacity of treelike neural networks

no code implementations21 Jul 2020 Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

Though a wide variety of nonlinear activation functions have been proposed for use in artificial neural networks, a detailed understanding of their role in determining the expressive power of a network has not emerged.

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