Search Results for author: Jacob Anderson

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Querying Perception Streams with Spatial Regular Expressions

no code implementations8 Nov 2024 Jacob Anderson, Georgios Fainekos, Bardh Hoxha, Hideki Okamoto, Danil Prokhorov

In this work, we introduce SpREs as a novel querying language for pattern matching over perception streams containing spatial and temporal data derived from multi-modal dynamic environments.

Sentim at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Convolutional Neural Networks For Sentiment in Conversations

no code implementations SEMEVAL 2019 Jacob Anderson

In this work convolutional neural networks were used in order to determine the sentiment in a conversational setting.


Fully Convolutional Networks for Text Classification

no code implementations14 Feb 2019 Jacob Anderson

In this work I propose a new way of using fully convolutional networks for classification while allowing for input of any size.

General Classification text-classification +1

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