Search Results for author: Jacob Shermeyer

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

RarePlanes: Synthetic Data Takes Flight

no code implementations4 Jun 2020 Jacob Shermeyer, Thomas Hossler, Adam Van Etten, Daniel Hogan, Ryan Lewis, Daeil Kim

RarePlanes is a unique open-source machine learning dataset that incorporates both real and synthetically generated satellite imagery.

Road Network and Travel Time Extraction from Multiple Look Angles with SpaceNet Data

no code implementations16 Jan 2020 Adam Van Etten, Jacob Shermeyer, Daniel Hogan, Nicholas Weir, Ryan Lewis

Identification of road networks and optimal routes directly from remote sensing is of critical importance to a broad array of humanitarian and commercial applications.


SpaceNet MVOI: a Multi-View Overhead Imagery Dataset

no code implementations ICCV 2019 Nicholas Weir, David Lindenbaum, Alexei Bastidas, Adam Van Etten, Sean McPherson, Jacob Shermeyer, Varun Kumar, Hanlin Tang

To address this problem, we present an open source Multi-View Overhead Imagery dataset, termed SpaceNet MVOI, with 27 unique looks from a broad range of viewing angles (-32. 5 degrees to 54. 0 degrees).

object-detection Object Detection +1

The Effects of Super-Resolution on Object Detection Performance in Satellite Imagery

2 code implementations10 Dec 2018 Jacob Shermeyer, Adam Van Etten

We also quantify the performance of object detection as a function of native resolution and object pixel size.

Object object-detection +3

Assessment of electrical and infrastructure recovery in Puerto Rico following hurricane Maria using a multisource time series of satellite imagery

no code implementations16 Jul 2018 Jacob Shermeyer

Based upon our approach we can identify and evaluate: 1) the recovery of electrical power compared to pre-storm levels, 2) the location of potentially damaged infrastructure that has yet to recover from the storm, and 3) the number of persons without power over time.

Change Detection Time Series +1

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