Search Results for author: Jacob Song

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

OneNet: A Channel-Wise 1D Convolutional U-Net

1 code implementation14 Nov 2024 Sanghyun Byun, Kayvan Shah, Ayushi Gang, Christopher Apton, Jacob Song, Woo Seong Chung

Additionally, we explore a fully 1D encoder-decoder that achieves a 71% reduction in size, albeit with some accuracy loss.

Decoder Image Segmentation +1

MultiDepth: Multi-Sample Priors for Refining Monocular Metric Depth Estimations in Indoor Scenes

no code implementations1 Nov 2024 Sanghyun Byun, Jacob Song, Woo Seong Chung

In this work, we propose to close this gap through the task of monocular metric depth refinement (MMDR) by leveraging state-of-the-art MMDE models.

Decoder Depth Estimation +1

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