Search Results for author: Jade Nie

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

AutoShard: Automated Embedding Table Sharding for Recommender Systems

1 code implementation12 Aug 2022 Daochen Zha, Louis Feng, Bhargav Bhushanam, Dhruv Choudhary, Jade Nie, Yuandong Tian, Jay Chae, Yinbin Ma, Arun Kejariwal, Xia Hu

This is a significant design challenge of distributed systems named embedding table sharding, i. e., how we should partition the embedding tables to balance the costs across devices, which is a non-trivial task because 1) it is hard to efficiently and precisely measure the cost, and 2) the partition problem is known to be NP-hard.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Recommendation Systems

Understanding Training Efficiency of Deep Learning Recommendation Models at Scale

no code implementations11 Nov 2020 Bilge Acun, Matthew Murphy, Xiaodong Wang, Jade Nie, Carole-Jean Wu, Kim Hazelwood

The use of GPUs has proliferated for machine learning workflows and is now considered mainstream for many deep learning models.

Deep Learning

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