Search Results for author: Jafar Habibi

Found 13 papers, 3 papers with code

ClusterSeq: Enhancing Sequential Recommender Systems with Clustering based Meta-Learning

no code implementations25 Jul 2023 Mohammmadmahdi Maheri, Reza Abdollahzadeh, Bardia Mohammadi, Mina Rafiei, Jafar Habibi, Hamid R. Rabiee

In practical scenarios, the effectiveness of sequential recommendation systems is hindered by the user cold-start problem, which arises due to limited interactions for accurately determining user preferences.

Clustering Meta-Learning +1

Using Experts' Opinions in Machine Learning Tasks

no code implementations10 Aug 2020 Jafar Habibi, Amir Fazelinia, Issa Annamoradnejad

In machine learning tasks, especially in the tasks of prediction, scientists tend to rely solely on available historical data and disregard unproven insights, such as experts' opinions, polls, and betting odds.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

A Scalable Architecture for Monitoring IoT Devices Using Ethereum and Fog Computing

no code implementations6 Jun 2020 Shirin Tahmasebi, Jafar Habibi, Abolhassan Shamsai

Monitoring this huge number of IoT devices that are heterogeneous in terms of underlying communication protocols and data format is challenging.

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

Predicting Subjective Features of Questions of QA Websites using BERT

5 code implementations ICWR 2020 Issa Annamoradnejad, Mohammadamin Fazli, Jafar Habibi

Community Question-Answering websites, such as StackOverflow and Quora, expect users to follow specific guidelines in order to maintain content quality.

Community Question Answering

A Comprehensive Analysis of Twitter Trending Topics

no code implementations21 Jul 2019 Issa Annamoradnejad, Jafar Habibi

In Twitter, a name, phrase, or topic that is mentioned at a greater rate than others is called a "trending topic" or simply "trend".

Lexical Analysis

Hybrid-Learning approach toward situation recognition and handling

no code implementations24 Jun 2019 Hossein Rajaby Faghihi, Mohammad Amin Fazli, Jafar Habibi

Obtaining knowledge from the environment is often through sensors, and the response to a particular circumstance is offered by actuators.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Learning an Integrated Distance Metric for Comparing Structure of Complex Networks

no code implementations13 Jul 2013 Sadegh Aliakbary, Sadegh Motallebi, Jafar Habibi, Ali Movaghar

According to natural witnesses of network similarities (such as network categories) the distance metric is learned by the means of a dataset of some labeled real networks.

Clustering General Classification +1

Generative Model Selection Using a Scalable and Size-Independent Complex Network Classifier

no code implementations10 Jun 2013 Sadegh Motallebi, Sadegh Aliakbary, Jafar Habibi

Real networks exhibit nontrivial topological features such as heavy-tailed degree distribution, high clustering, and small-worldness.

Clustering Model Selection

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