Search Results for author: Jafar Jafarov

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Four Algorithms for Correlation Clustering: A Survey

no code implementations24 Aug 2022 Jafar Jafarov

In the Correlation Clustering problem, we are given a set of objects with pairwise similarity information.


Survey of Matrix Completion Algorithms

no code implementations1 Apr 2022 Jafar Jafarov

First, we discuss passive matrix completion methods with convex optimization, and the second active matrix completion techniques with adaptive signal detection methods.

Matrix Completion

Matrix Completion with Sparse Noisy Rows

no code implementations1 Apr 2022 Jafar Jafarov

In this work we study exact low-rank completion under non-degenerate noise model.

Matrix Completion

Local Correlation Clustering with Asymmetric Classification Errors

no code implementations11 Aug 2021 Jafar Jafarov, Sanchit Kalhan, Konstantin Makarychev, Yury Makarychev

In the Correlation Clustering problem, we are given a complete weighted graph $G$ with its edges labeled as "similar" and "dissimilar" by a noisy binary classifier.

Classification Clustering

Correlation Clustering with Asymmetric Classification Errors

no code implementations ICML 2020 Jafar Jafarov, Sanchit Kalhan, Konstantin Makarychev, Yury Makarychev

In the Correlation Clustering problem, we are given a weighted graph $G$ with its edges labeled as "similar" or "dissimilar" by a binary classifier.

Classification Clustering

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