Search Results for author: Jakob Julian Engel

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Introducing HOT3D: An Egocentric Dataset for 3D Hand and Object Tracking

no code implementations13 Jun 2024 Prithviraj Banerjee, Sindi Shkodrani, Pierre Moulon, Shreyas Hampali, Fan Zhang, Jade Fountain, Edward Miller, Selen Basol, Richard Newcombe, Robert Wang, Jakob Julian Engel, Tomas Hodan

The dataset offers over 833 minutes (more than 3. 7M images) of multi-view RGB/monochrome image streams showing 19 subjects interacting with 33 diverse rigid objects, multi-modal signals such as eye gaze or scene point clouds, as well as comprehensive ground truth annotations including 3D poses of objects, hands, and cameras, and 3D models of hands and objects.

Object Tracking

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