Search Results for author: James D. Wilson

Found 6 papers, 5 papers with code

Interpretable Network Representation Learning with Principal Component Analysis

1 code implementation27 Jun 2021 James D. Wilson, Jihui Lee

We consider the problem of interpretable network representation learning for samples of network-valued data.

Functional Connectivity Representation Learning

Nonparametric Feature Impact and Importance

2 code implementations8 Jun 2020 Terence Parr, James D. Wilson, Jeff Hamrick

In this paper, we give mathematical definitions of feature impact and importance, derived from partial dependence curves, that operate directly on the data.

Feature Importance feature selection

Technical Report: Partial Dependence through Stratification

1 code implementation15 Jul 2019 Terence Parr, James D. Wilson

Partial dependence curves (FPD) introduced by Friedman, are an important model interpretation tool, but are often not accessible to business analysts and scientists who typically lack the skills to choose, tune, and assess machine learning models.

Fast embedding of multilayer networks: An algorithm and application to group fMRI

1 code implementation17 Sep 2018 James D. Wilson, Melanie Baybay, Rishi Sankar, Paul Stillman

Learning interpretable features from complex multilayer networks is a challenging and important problem.

Social and Information Networks Physics and Society

Topic supervised non-negative matrix factorization

1 code implementation12 Jun 2017 Kelsey MacMillan, James D. Wilson

Topic models have been extensively used to organize and interpret the contents of large, unstructured corpora of text documents.

Topic Models

A testing based extraction algorithm for identifying significant communities in networks

no code implementations3 Dec 2014 James D. Wilson, Simi Wang, Peter J. Mucha, Shankar Bhamidi, Andrew B. Nobel

In addition, we carry out a simulation study to assess the effectiveness of ESSC in networks with various types of community structure, including networks with overlapping communities and those with background vertices.

Community Detection

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