Search Results for author: James Davidson

Found 15 papers, 8 papers with code

Reliable Uncertainty Estimates in Deep Neural Networks using Noise Contrastive Priors

no code implementations ICLR 2019 Danijar Hafner, Dustin Tran, Timothy Lillicrap, Alex Irpan, James Davidson

NCPs are compatible with any model that can output uncertainty estimates, are easy to scale, and yield reliable uncertainty estimates throughout training.

Active Learning

Modulated Policy Hierarchies

no code implementations30 Nov 2018 Alexander Pashevich, Danijar Hafner, James Davidson, Rahul Sukthankar, Cordelia Schmid

To achieve this, we study different modulation signals and exploration for hierarchical controllers.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Interpretable Intuitive Physics Model

no code implementations ECCV 2018 Tian Ye, Xiaolong Wang, James Davidson, Abhinav Gupta

In order to demonstrate that our system models these underlying physical properties, we train our model on collisions of different shapes (cube, cone, cylinder, spheres etc.)


Noise Contrastive Priors for Functional Uncertainty

2 code implementations ICLR 2019 Danijar Hafner, Dustin Tran, Timothy Lillicrap, Alex Irpan, James Davidson

NCPs are compatible with any model that can output uncertainty estimates, are easy to scale, and yield reliable uncertainty estimates throughout training.

Active Learning

Visual Representations for Semantic Target Driven Navigation

3 code implementations15 May 2018 Arsalan Mousavian, Alexander Toshev, Marek Fiser, Jana Kosecka, Ayzaan Wahid, James Davidson

We propose to using high level semantic and contextual features including segmentation and detection masks obtained by off-the-shelf state-of-the-art vision as observations and use deep network to learn the navigation policy.

Domain Adaptation Visual Navigation

PRM-RL: Long-range Robotic Navigation Tasks by Combining Reinforcement Learning and Sampling-based Planning

no code implementations11 Oct 2017 Aleksandra Faust, Oscar Ramirez, Marek Fiser, Kenneth Oslund, Anthony Francis, James Davidson, Lydia Tapia

The RL agents learn short-range, point-to-point navigation policies that capture robot dynamics and task constraints without knowledge of the large-scale topology.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

TensorFlow Agents: Efficient Batched Reinforcement Learning in TensorFlow

2 code implementations8 Sep 2017 Danijar Hafner, James Davidson, Vincent Vanhoucke

We introduce TensorFlow Agents, an efficient infrastructure paradigm for building parallel reinforcement learning algorithms in TensorFlow.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL)

Learning 6-DOF Grasping Interaction via Deep Geometry-aware 3D Representations

1 code implementation24 Aug 2017 Xinchen Yan, Jasmine Hsu, Mohi Khansari, Yunfei Bai, Arkanath Pathak, Abhinav Gupta, James Davidson, Honglak Lee

Our contributions are fourfold: (1) To best of our knowledge, we are presenting for the first time a method to learn a 6-DOF grasping net from RGBD input; (2) We build a grasping dataset from demonstrations in virtual reality with rich sensory and interaction annotations.

3D geometry 3D Geometry Prediction +2

A Brief Study of In-Domain Transfer and Learning from Fewer Samples using A Few Simple Priors

no code implementations13 Jul 2017 Marc Pickett, Ayush Sekhari, James Davidson

Domain knowledge can often be encoded in the structure of a network, such as convolutional layers for vision, which has been shown to increase generalization and decrease sample complexity, or the number of samples required for successful learning.

Discrete Sequential Prediction of Continuous Actions for Deep RL

no code implementations ICLR 2018 Luke Metz, Julian Ibarz, Navdeep Jaitly, James Davidson

Specifically, we show how Q-values and policies over continuous spaces can be modeled using a next step prediction model over discretized dimensions.

Continuous Control Q-Learning +1

Robust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning

7 code implementations ICML 2017 Lerrel Pinto, James Davidson, Rahul Sukthankar, Abhinav Gupta

Deep neural networks coupled with fast simulation and improved computation have led to recent successes in the field of reinforcement learning (RL).

Friction reinforcement-learning +1

Supervision via Competition: Robot Adversaries for Learning Tasks

1 code implementation5 Oct 2016 Lerrel Pinto, James Davidson, Abhinav Gupta

Due to large number of experiences required for training, most of these approaches use a self-supervised paradigm: using sensors to measure success/failure.

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