Search Results for author: James Kirby

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Incorporating tone in the calculation of phonotactic probability

no code implementations ACL (SIGMORPHON) 2021 James Kirby

This paper investigates how the ordering of tone relative to the segmental string influences the calculation of phonotactic probability.


Actuation without production bias

no code implementations15 Jul 2024 James Kirby, Morgan Sonderegger

We show that, while the dynamics conditioned by production bias are not unique, it is not the case that all perturbing forces have the same dynamics: in particular, if social weight is a function of individual teachers and the correlation between a teacher's social weight and the extent to which they realize a production bias is weak, change is unlikely to propagate.

Inducing a lexicon of sociolinguistic variables from code-mixed text

1 code implementation WS 2018 Philippa Shoemark, James Kirby, Sharon Goldwater

Sociolinguistics is often concerned with how variants of a linguistic item (e. g., \textit{nothing} vs. \textit{nothin{'}}) are used by different groups or in different situations.

Topic and audience effects on distinctively Scottish vocabulary usage in Twitter data

no code implementations WS 2017 Philippa Shoemark, James Kirby, Sharon Goldwater

Sociolinguistic research suggests that speakers modulate their language style in response to their audience.

Bias and population structure in the actuation of sound change

no code implementations16 Jul 2015 James Kirby, Morgan Sonderegger

We find that population structure itself can act as a source of stability, but that both stability and change are possible only when both types of bias are active, suggesting that it is possible to understand why sound change occurs at some times and not others as the population-level result of the interplay between forces promoting each outcome in individual speakers.

Inductive Bias

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