Search Results for author: James Mullenbach

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Knowledge Base Completion for Constructing Problem-Oriented Medical Records

1 code implementation27 Apr 2020 James Mullenbach, Jordan Swartz, T. Greg McKelvey, Hui Dai, David Sontag

Both electronic health records and personal health records are typically organized by data type, with medical problems, medications, procedures, and laboratory results chronologically sorted in separate areas of the chart.

Knowledge Base Completion

Do Nuclear Submarines Have Nuclear Captains? A Challenge Dataset for Commonsense Reasoning over Adjectives and Objects

no code implementations IJCNLP 2019 James Mullenbach, Jonathan Gordon, Nanyun Peng, Jonathan May

This provides evidence that the amount of commonsense knowledge encoded in these language models does not extend far beyond that already baked into the word embeddings.

Word Embeddings

Explainable Prediction of Medical Codes from Clinical Text

3 code implementations NAACL 2018 James Mullenbach, Sarah Wiegreffe, Jon Duke, Jimeng Sun, Jacob Eisenstein

Our method aggregates information across the document using a convolutional neural network, and uses an attention mechanism to select the most relevant segments for each of the thousands of possible codes.

Medical Code Prediction Prediction

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