Search Results for author: James Powell

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Combining keyphrase extraction and lexical diversity to characterize ideas in publication titles

no code implementations30 Aug 2022 James Powell, Martin Klein, Lyudmila Balakireva

We compare the performance of several phrase detection models, analyze the keyphrase sets output of each, and calculate lexical diversity of corpora variants incorporating keyphrases from each model, using four common lexical diversity metrics.

Diversity Keyphrase Extraction

Diachronic Text Mining Investigation of Therapeutic Candidates for COVID-19

no code implementations26 Oct 2021 James Powell, Kari Sentz

In this paper we apply short-term diachronic text mining to a rapidly growing corpus of scientific publications on COVID-19 captured in the CORD-19 dataset in order to identify co-occurrences and analyze the behavior of potential candidate treatments.


Human-in-the-Loop Refinement of Word Embeddings

no code implementations6 Oct 2021 James Powell, Kari Sentz, Martin Klein

Word embeddings are a fixed, distributional representation of the context of words in a corpus learned from word co-occurrences.

Word Embeddings

Tracking Short-Term Temporal Linguistic Dynamics to Characterize Candidate Therapeutics for COVID-19 in the CORD-19 Corpus

no code implementations9 Jan 2021 James Powell, Kari Sentz

We examined the intersection of a set of candidate therapeutics identified in a drug-repurposing study with temporal instances of the CORD-19 corpus to determine if it was possible to find and measure changes associated with them over time.

Interactive Re-Fitting as a Technique for Improving Word Embeddings

no code implementations30 Sep 2020 James Powell, Kari Sentz

Word embeddings are a fixed, distributional representation of the context of words in a corpus learned from word co-occurrences.

Word Embeddings

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