no code implementations • NAACL (SIGMORPHON) 2022 • James Tanner, Morgan Sonderegger, Jane Stuart-Smith
Vowels are typically characterized in terms of their static position in formant space, though vowels have also been long-known to undergo dynamic formant change over their timecourse.
no code implementations • 31 Oct 2024 • Kevin Black, Noah Brown, Danny Driess, Adnan Esmail, Michael Equi, Chelsea Finn, Niccolo Fusai, Lachy Groom, Karol Hausman, Brian Ichter, Szymon Jakubczak, Tim Jones, Liyiming Ke, Sergey Levine, Adrian Li-Bell, Mohith Mothukuri, Suraj Nair, Karl Pertsch, Lucy Xiaoyang Shi, James Tanner, Quan Vuong, Anna Walling, Haohuan Wang, Ury Zhilinsky
Robot learning holds tremendous promise to unlock the full potential of flexible, general, and dexterous robot systems, as well as to address some of the deepest questions in artificial intelligence.
no code implementations • 13 Aug 2024 • James Tanner, Morgan Sonderegger, Jane Stuart-Smith, Tyler Kendall, Jeff Mielke, Robin Dodsworth, Erik Thomas
Speech rate has been shown to vary across social categories such as gender, age, and dialect, while also being conditioned by properties of speech planning.
no code implementations • 30 Mar 2015 • Ali Borji, James Tanner
Predicting where people look in natural scenes has attracted a lot of interest in computer vision and computational neuroscience over the past two decades.