no code implementations • 10 Mar 2021 • Sedigh Ghamari, Koray Ozcan, Thu Dinh, Andrey Melnikov, Juan Carvajal, Jan Ernst, Sek Chai
We propose a Quantization Guided Training (QGT) method to guide DNN training towards optimized low-bit-precision targets and reach extreme compression levels below 8-bit precision.
1 code implementation • 16 Apr 2019 • Yash Goyal, Ziyan Wu, Jan Ernst, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh, Stefan Lee
In this work, we develop a technique to produce counterfactual visual explanations.
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2019 • Benjamin Planche, Xuejian Rong, Ziyan Wu, Srikrishna Karanam, Harald Kosch, YingLi Tian, Jan Ernst, Andreas Hutter
We present a method to incrementally generate complete 2D or 3D scenes with the following properties: (a) it is globally consistent at each step according to a learned scene prior, (b) real observations of a scene can be incorporated while observing global consistency, (c) unobserved regions can be hallucinated locally in consistence with previous observations, hallucinations and global priors, and (d) hallucinations are statistical in nature, i. e., different scenes can be generated from the same observations.
2 code implementations • CVPR 2018 • Kunpeng Li, Ziyan Wu, Kuan-Chuan Peng, Jan Ernst, Yun Fu
Weakly supervised learning with only coarse labels can obtain visual explanations of deep neural network such as attention maps by back-propagating gradients.
no code implementations • CVPR 2018 • Georgios Georgakis, Srikrishna Karanam, Ziyan Wu, Jan Ernst, Jana Kosecka
Finding correspondences between images or 3D scans is at the heart of many computer vision and image retrieval applications and is often enabled by matching local keypoint descriptors.
no code implementations • CVPR 2018 • Yunye Gong, Srikrishna Karanam, Ziyan Wu, Kuan-Chuan Peng, Jan Ernst, Peter C. Doerschuk
Compositionality of semantic concepts in image synthesis and analysis is appealing as it can help in decomposing known and generatively recomposing unknown data.
no code implementations • ICCV 2017 • Rameswar Panda, Abir Das, Ziyan Wu, Jan Ernst, Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury
Casting the problem as a weakly supervised learning problem, we propose a flexible deep 3D CNN architecture to learn the notion of importance using only video-level annotation, and without any human-crafted training data.
no code implementations • ECCV 2018 • Kuan-Chuan Peng, Ziyan Wu, Jan Ernst
Therefore, the source-domain task of interest solution (e. g. a classifier for classification tasks) which is jointly trained with the source-domain representation can be applicable to both the source and target representations.
no code implementations • 27 Feb 2017 • Benjamin Planche, Ziyan Wu, Kai Ma, Shanhui Sun, Stefan Kluckner, Terrence Chen, Andreas Hutter, Sergey Zakharov, Harald Kosch, Jan Ernst
Recent progress in computer vision has been dominated by deep neural networks trained over large amounts of labeled data.