Search Results for author: Jan Seuntjens

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Radiomics strategies for risk assessment of tumour failure in head-and-neck cancer

no code implementations24 Mar 2017 Martin Vallières, Emily Kay-Rivest, Léo Jean Perrin, Xavier Liem, Christophe Furstoss, Hugo J. W. L. Aerts, Nader Khaouam, Phuc Felix Nguyen-Tan, Chang-Shu Wang, Khalil Sultanem, Jan Seuntjens, Issam El Naqa

In this work, 1615 radiomic features (quantifying tumour image intensity, shape, texture) extracted from pre-treatment FDG-PET and CT images of 300 patients from four different cohorts were analyzed for the risk assessment of locoregional recurrences (LR) and distant metastases (DM) in head-and-neck cancer.

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