no code implementations • 21 Nov 2021 • Jangwon Park, Evangelos Vrettos
In this work, we develop a hybrid methodology which combines Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) with scatter search, an evolutionary algorithm, having as use case the optimization of employee rostering for Swissgrid, where it is currently a largely manual process.
4 code implementations • 20 May 2021 • Sungjoon Park, Jihyung Moon, Sungdong Kim, Won Ik Cho, Jiyoon Han, Jangwon Park, Chisung Song, JunSeong Kim, Yongsook Song, Taehwan Oh, Joohong Lee, Juhyun Oh, Sungwon Lyu, Younghoon Jeong, InKwon Lee, Sangwoo Seo, Dongjun Lee, Hyunwoo Kim, Myeonghwa Lee, Seongbo Jang, Seungwon Do, Sunkyoung Kim, Kyungtae Lim, Jongwon Lee, Kyumin Park, Jamin Shin, Seonghyun Kim, Lucy Park, Alice Oh, Jung-Woo Ha, Kyunghyun Cho
We introduce Korean Language Understanding Evaluation (KLUE) benchmark.
1 code implementation • WS 2019 • Seanie Lee, Donggyu Kim, Jangwon Park
Adapting models to new domain without finetuning is a challenging problem in deep learning.