Search Results for author: Janni Yuval

Found 4 papers, 4 papers with code

Neural general circulation models optimized to predict satellite-based precipitation observations

1 code implementation16 Dec 2024 Janni Yuval, Ian Langmore, Dmitrii Kochkov, Stephan Hoyer

Climate models struggle to accurately simulate precipitation, particularly extremes and the diurnal cycle.

Neural General Circulation Models for Weather and Climate

3 code implementations13 Nov 2023 Dmitrii Kochkov, Janni Yuval, Ian Langmore, Peter Norgaard, Jamie Smith, Griffin Mooers, Milan Klöwer, James Lottes, Stephan Rasp, Peter Düben, Sam Hatfield, Peter Battaglia, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, Matthew Willson, Michael P. Brenner, Stephan Hoyer

Here we present the first GCM that combines a differentiable solver for atmospheric dynamics with ML components, and show that it can generate forecasts of deterministic weather, ensemble weather and climate on par with the best ML and physics-based methods.

Physical Simulations Weather Forecasting

Climate-Invariant Machine Learning

1 code implementation14 Dec 2021 Tom Beucler, Pierre Gentine, Janni Yuval, Ankitesh Gupta, Liran Peng, Jerry Lin, Sungduk Yu, Stephan Rasp, Fiaz Ahmed, Paul A. O'Gorman, J. David Neelin, Nicholas J. Lutsko, Michael Pritchard

Projecting climate change is a generalization problem: we extrapolate the recent past using physical models across past, present, and future climates.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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