Search Results for author: Jason Allen

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Towards Automatic Cetacean Photo-Identification: A Framework for Fine-Grain, Few-Shot Learning in Marine Ecology

no code implementations7 Dec 2022 Cameron Trotter, Nick Wright, A. Stephen McGough, Matt Sharpe, Barbara Cheney, Mònica Arso Civil, Reny Tyson Moore, Jason Allen, Per Berggren

Photo-identification (photo-id) is one of the main non-invasive capture-recapture methods utilised by marine researchers for monitoring cetacean (dolphin, whale, and porpoise) populations.

Few-Shot Learning

SAGE: Sequential Attribute Generator for Analyzing Glioblastomas using Limited Dataset

no code implementations14 May 2020 Padmaja Jonnalagedda, Brent Weinberg, Jason Allen, Taejin L. Min, Shiv Bhanu, Bir Bhanu

While deep learning approaches have shown remarkable performance in many imaging tasks, most of these methods rely on availability of large quantities of data.


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