Search Results for author: Jason Altschuler

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Massively scalable Sinkhorn distances via the Nyström method

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Jason Altschuler, Francis Bach, Alessandro Rudi, Jonathan Niles-Weed

The Sinkhorn "distance", a variant of the Wasserstein distance with entropic regularization, is an increasingly popular tool in machine learning and statistical inference.

Online learning over a finite action set with limited switching

no code implementations5 Mar 2018 Jason Altschuler, Kunal Talwar

Using the above result and several reductions, we unify previous work and completely characterize the complexity of this switching budget setting up to small polylogarithmic factors: for both PFE and MAB, for all switching budgets $S \leq T$, and for both expectation and h. p.

Multi-Armed Bandits

Best Arm Identification for Contaminated Bandits

no code implementations26 Feb 2018 Jason Altschuler, Victor-Emmanuel Brunel, Alan Malek

Specifically, we propose a variant of the Best Arm Identification problem for \emph{contaminated bandits}, where each arm pull has probability $\varepsilon$ of generating a sample from an arbitrary contamination distribution instead of the true underlying distribution.

Active Learning

Near-linear time approximation algorithms for optimal transport via Sinkhorn iteration

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2017 Jason Altschuler, Jonathan Weed, Philippe Rigollet

Computing optimal transport distances such as the earth mover's distance is a fundamental problem in machine learning, statistics, and computer vision.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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