Search Results for author: Jason Fries

Found 12 papers, 4 papers with code

A Multi-Center Study on the Adaptability of a Shared Foundation Model for Electronic Health Records

no code implementations20 Nov 2023 Lin Lawrence Guo, Jason Fries, Ethan Steinberg, Scott Lanyon Fleming, Keith Morse, Catherine Aftandilian, Jose Posada, Nigam Shah, Lillian Sung

With continued pretraining on local data, label efficiency substantially improved, such that $FM_{SM}$ required fewer than 1% of training examples to match the fully trained GBM's performance.

The Shaky Foundations of Clinical Foundation Models: A Survey of Large Language Models and Foundation Models for EMRs

1 code implementation22 Mar 2023 Michael Wornow, Yizhe Xu, Rahul Thapa, Birju Patel, Ethan Steinberg, Scott Fleming, Michael A. Pfeffer, Jason Fries, Nigam H. Shah

The successes of foundation models such as ChatGPT and AlphaFold have spurred significant interest in building similar models for electronic medical records (EMRs) to improve patient care and hospital operations.

MOTOR: A Time-To-Event Foundation Model For Structured Medical Records

1 code implementation9 Jan 2023 Ethan Steinberg, Jason Fries, Yizhe Xu, Nigam Shah

MOTOR is the first foundation model for medical TTE predictions and we release a 143M parameter pretrained model for research use at [redacted URL].

Transfer Learning

Multi-Resolution Weak Supervision for Sequential Data

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Frederic Sala, Paroma Varma, Jason Fries, Daniel Y. Fu, Shiori Sagawa, Saelig Khattar, Ashwini Ramamoorthy, Ke Xiao, Kayvon Fatahalian, James Priest, Christopher Ré

Multi-resolution sources exacerbate this challenge due to complex correlations and sample complexity that scales in the length of the sequence.

Weak Supervision for Time Series: Wearable Sensor Classification with Limited Labeled Data

no code implementations25 Mar 2019 Saelig Khattar, Hannah O’Day, Paroma Varma, Jason Fries, Jen Hicks, Scott Delp, Helen Bronte-Stewart, Chris Re

Using modern deep learning models to make predictions on time series data from wearable sensors generally requires large amounts of labeled data.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Snorkel: Rapid Training Data Creation with Weak Supervision

2 code implementations28 Nov 2017 Alexander Ratner, Stephen H. Bach, Henry Ehrenberg, Jason Fries, Sen Wu, Christopher Ré

In a user study, subject matter experts build models 2. 8x faster and increase predictive performance an average 45. 5% versus seven hours of hand labeling.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

ShortFuse: Biomedical Time Series Representations in the Presence of Structured Information

3 code implementations13 May 2017 Madalina Fiterau, Suvrat Bhooshan, Jason Fries, Charles Bournhonesque, Jennifer Hicks, Eni Halilaj, Christopher Ré, Scott Delp

In healthcare applications, temporal variables that encode movement, health status and longitudinal patient evolution are often accompanied by rich structured information such as demographics, diagnostics and medical exam data.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

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