no code implementations • BigScience (ACL) 2022 • Jason Fries, Natasha Seelam, Gabriel Altay, Leon Weber, Myungsun Kang, Debajyoti Datta, Ruisi Su, Samuele Garda, Bo wang, Simon Ott, Matthias Samwald, Wojciech Kusa
Large-scale language modeling and natural language prompting have demonstrated exciting capabilities for few and zero shot learning in NLP.
no code implementations • 10 Jun 2024 • Louis Blankemeier, Joseph Paul Cohen, Ashwin Kumar, Dave Van Veen, Syed Jamal Safdar Gardezi, Magdalini Paschali, Zhihong Chen, Jean-Benoit Delbrouck, Eduardo Reis, Cesar Truyts, Christian Bluethgen, Malte Engmann Kjeldskov Jensen, Sophie Ostmeier, Maya Varma, Jeya Maria Jose Valanarasu, Zhongnan Fang, Zepeng Huo, Zaid Nabulsi, Diego Ardila, Wei-Hung Weng, Edson Amaro Junior, Neera Ahuja, Jason Fries, Nigam H. Shah, Andrew Johnston, Robert D. Boutin, Andrew Wentland, Curtis P. Langlotz, Jason Hom, Sergios Gatidis, Akshay S. Chaudhari
However, current medical VLMs are generally limited to 2D images and short reports, and do not leverage electronic health record (EHR) data for supervision.
no code implementations • 3 Mar 2024 • Hyewon Jeong, Sarah Jabbour, Yuzhe Yang, Rahul Thapta, Hussein Mozannar, William Jongwon Han, Nikita Mehandru, Michael Wornow, Vladislav Lialin, Xin Liu, Alejandro Lozano, Jiacheng Zhu, Rafal Dariusz Kocielnik, Keith Harrigian, Haoran Zhang, Edward Lee, Milos Vukadinovic, Aparna Balagopalan, Vincent Jeanselme, Katherine Matton, Ilker Demirel, Jason Fries, Parisa Rashidi, Brett Beaulieu-Jones, Xuhai Orson Xu, Matthew McDermott, Tristan Naumann, Monica Agrawal, Marinka Zitnik, Berk Ustun, Edward Choi, Kristen Yeom, Gamze Gursoy, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Emma Pierson, George Chen, Sanjat Kanjilal, Michael Oberst, Linying Zhang, Harvineet Singh, Tom Hartvigsen, Helen Zhou, Chinasa T. Okolo
The organization of the research roundtables at the conference involved 17 Senior Chairs and 19 Junior Chairs across 11 tables.
no code implementations • 20 Nov 2023 • Lin Lawrence Guo, Jason Fries, Ethan Steinberg, Scott Lanyon Fleming, Keith Morse, Catherine Aftandilian, Jose Posada, Nigam Shah, Lillian Sung
With continued pretraining on local data, label efficiency substantially improved, such that $FM_{SM}$ required fewer than 1% of training examples to match the fully trained GBM's performance.
1 code implementation • 22 Mar 2023 • Michael Wornow, Yizhe Xu, Rahul Thapa, Birju Patel, Ethan Steinberg, Scott Fleming, Michael A. Pfeffer, Jason Fries, Nigam H. Shah
The successes of foundation models such as ChatGPT and AlphaFold have spurred significant interest in building similar models for electronic medical records (EMRs) to improve patient care and hospital operations.
1 code implementation • 9 Jan 2023 • Ethan Steinberg, Jason Fries, Yizhe Xu, Nigam Shah
MOTOR is the first foundation model for medical TTE predictions and we release a 143M parameter pretrained model for research use at [redacted URL].
no code implementations • NeurIPS 2019 • Frederic Sala, Paroma Varma, Jason Fries, Daniel Y. Fu, Shiori Sagawa, Saelig Khattar, Ashwini Ramamoorthy, Ke Xiao, Kayvon Fatahalian, James Priest, Christopher Ré
Multi-resolution sources exacerbate this challenge due to complex correlations and sample complexity that scales in the length of the sequence.
no code implementations • 25 Mar 2019 • Saelig Khattar, Hannah O’Day, Paroma Varma, Jason Fries, Jen Hicks, Scott Delp, Helen Bronte-Stewart, Chris Re
Using modern deep learning models to make predictions on time series data from wearable sensors generally requires large amounts of labeled data.
2 code implementations • 28 Nov 2017 • Alexander Ratner, Stephen H. Bach, Henry Ehrenberg, Jason Fries, Sen Wu, Christopher Ré
In a user study, subject matter experts build models 2. 8x faster and increase predictive performance an average 45. 5% versus seven hours of hand labeling.
3 code implementations • 13 May 2017 • Madalina Fiterau, Suvrat Bhooshan, Jason Fries, Charles Bournhonesque, Jennifer Hicks, Eni Halilaj, Christopher Ré, Scott Delp
In healthcare applications, temporal variables that encode movement, health status and longitudinal patient evolution are often accompanied by rich structured information such as demographics, diagnostics and medical exam data.
no code implementations • 20 Apr 2017 • Jason Fries, Sen Wu, Alex Ratner, Christopher Ré
We present SwellShark, a framework for building biomedical named entity recognition (NER) systems quickly and without hand-labeled data.
Ranked #2 on Weakly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition on BC5CDR