Search Results for author: Jason Milionis

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Swim till You Sink: Computing the Limit of a Game

no code implementations20 Aug 2024 Rashida Hakim, Jason Milionis, Christos Papadimitriou, Georgios Piliouras

During 2023, two interesting results were proven about the limit behavior of game dynamics: First, it was shown that there is a game for which no dynamics converges to the Nash equilibria.

FLAIR: A Metric for Liquidity Provider Competitiveness in Automated Market Makers

no code implementations15 Jun 2023 Jason Milionis, Xin Wan, Austin Adams

To illustrate how both flow toxicity, accounting for the sophistication of the counterparty of LPs, as well as LP competitiveness, accounting for the sophistication of the competition among LPs, affect individual LP returns, we propose a quadrant interpretation where all of these characteristics may be readily visualized.

Automated Market Making and Arbitrage Profits in the Presence of Fees

no code implementations24 May 2023 Jason Milionis, Ciamac C. Moallemi, Tim Roughgarden

We consider the impact of trading fees on the profits of arbitrageurs trading against an automated marker marker (AMM) or, equivalently, on the adverse selection incurred by liquidity providers due to arbitrage.

Automated Market Making and Loss-Versus-Rebalancing

no code implementations11 Aug 2022 Jason Milionis, Ciamac C. Moallemi, Tim Roughgarden, Anthony Lee Zhang

We consider the market microstructure of automated market makers (AMMs) from the perspective of liquidity providers (LPs).

Nash, Conley, and Computation: Impossibility and Incompleteness in Game Dynamics

no code implementations26 Mar 2022 Jason Milionis, Christos Papadimitriou, Georgios Piliouras, Kelly Spendlove

We also prove a stronger result for $\epsilon$-approximate Nash equilibria: there are games such that no game dynamics can converge (in an appropriate sense) to $\epsilon$-Nash equilibria, and in fact the set of such games has positive measure.

Differentially Private Regression with Unbounded Covariates

no code implementations19 Feb 2022 Jason Milionis, Alkis Kalavasis, Dimitris Fotakis, Stratis Ioannidis

We provide computationally efficient, differentially private algorithms for the classical regression settings of Least Squares Fitting, Binary Regression and Linear Regression with unbounded covariates.


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