Search Results for author: Jason Wang

Found 16 papers, 2 papers with code

Scalable Indoor Novel-View Synthesis using Drone-Captured 360 Imagery with 3D Gaussian Splatting

no code implementations15 Oct 2024 Yuanbo Chen, Chengyu Zhang, Jason Wang, Xuefan Gao, Avideh Zakhor

Prior methods have utilized drones for data capture and radiance fields for scene reconstruction, both of which present certain challenges.

Novel View Synthesis SSIM

Understanding Warmup-Stable-Decay Learning Rates: A River Valley Loss Landscape Perspective

no code implementations7 Oct 2024 Kaiyue Wen, Zhiyuan Li, Jason Wang, David Hall, Percy Liang, Tengyu Ma

In contrast, the Warmup-Stable-Decay (WSD) schedule uses a constant learning rate to produce a main branch of iterates that can in principle continue indefinitely without a pre-specified compute budget.

Hardness of Learning Neural Networks under the Manifold Hypothesis

no code implementations3 Jun 2024 Bobak T. Kiani, Jason Wang, Melanie Weber

In this paper, we investigate the hardness of learning under the manifold hypothesis.

Pandora's White-Box: Precise Training Data Detection and Extraction in Large Language Models

1 code implementation26 Feb 2024 Jeffrey G. Wang, Jason Wang, Marvin Li, Seth Neel

In fine-tuning, we find that a simple attack based on the ratio of the loss between the base and fine-tuned models is able to achieve near-perfect MIA performance; we then leverage our MIA to extract a large fraction of the fine-tuning dataset from fine-tuned Pythia and Llama models.

Language Modelling

Closed Drafting as a Case Study for First-Principle Interpretability, Memory, and Generalizability in Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations31 Oct 2023 Ryan Rezai, Jason Wang

Closed drafting or "pick and pass" is a popular game mechanic where each round players select a card or other playable element from their hand and pass the rest to the next player.

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +2

MoPe: Model Perturbation-based Privacy Attacks on Language Models

no code implementations22 Oct 2023 Marvin Li, Jason Wang, Jeffrey Wang, Seth Neel

In this paper, we present Model Perturbations (MoPe), a new method to identify with high confidence if a given text is in the training data of a pre-trained language model, given white-box access to the models parameters.

Language Modelling Memorization

The Naughtyformer: A Transformer Understands Offensive Humor

no code implementations25 Nov 2022 Leonard Tang, Alexander Cai, Steve Li, Jason Wang

Jokes are intentionally written to be funny, but not all jokes are created the same.

Humor Detection

Detecting Owner-member Relationship with Graph Convolution Network in Fisheye Camera System

no code implementations28 Jan 2022 Zizhang Wu, Jason Wang, Tianhao Xu, Fan Wang

The owner-member relationship between wheels and vehicles contributes significantly to the 3D perception of vehicles, especially in embedded environments.

Graph Attention

EVOQUER: Enhancing Temporal Grounding with Video-Pivoted BackQuery Generation

no code implementations10 Sep 2021 Yanjun Gao, Lulu Liu, Jason Wang, Xin Chen, Huayan Wang, Rui Zhang

Given a query and an untrimmed video, the temporal grounding model predicts the target interval, and the predicted video clip is fed into a video translation task by generating a simplified version of the input query.

Translation Video Grounding

Hierarchical Topic Presence Models

no code implementations16 Apr 2021 Jason Wang, Robert E. Weiss

Motivated by a data set of web pages (documents) nested in web sites, we extend the Poisson factor analysis topic model to hierarchical topic presence models for analyzing text from documents nested in known groups.

Data Augmentation Topic Models

Local and Global Topics in Text Modeling of Web Pages Nested in Web Sites

no code implementations30 Mar 2021 Jason Wang, Robert E. Weiss

For web pages nested inside web sites, local topic models explicitly label local topics and identifies the owning web site.

Topic coverage

DeepWORD: A GCN-based Approach for Owner-Member Relationship Detection in Autonomous Driving

no code implementations30 Mar 2021 Zizhang Wu, Man Wang, Jason Wang, Wenkai Zhang, Muqing Fang, Tianhao Xu

It's worth noting that the owner-member relationship between wheels and vehicles has an significant contribution to the 3D perception of vehicles, especially in the embedded environment.

Autonomous Driving Graph Attention +1

DiskFM: A Forward Modeling Tool for Disk Analysis with Coronagraphic Instruments

no code implementations12 Dec 2020 Johan Mazoyer, Pauline Arriaga, Justin Hom, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Christine Chen, Jason Wang, Gaspard Duchêne, Jennifer Patience, Laurent Pueyo

However, forward-modeling with disks is complicated by the fact that the disk cannot be simplified using a simple point source convolved by the PSF as the astrophysical model; all hypothetical disk morphologies must be explored to understand the subtle and non-linear effects of the PSF subtraction algorithm on the shape and local geometry of these systems.

Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics

Vehicle Re-ID for Surround-view Camera System

no code implementations30 Jun 2020 Zizhang Wu, Man Wang, Lingxiao Yin, Weiwei Sun, Jason Wang, Huangbin Wu

The vehicle re-identification (ReID) plays a critical role in the perception system of autonomous driving, which attracts more and more attention in recent years.

Autonomous Driving Vehicle Re-Identification

The Effectiveness of Data Augmentation in Image Classification using Deep Learning

1 code implementation13 Dec 2017 Luis Perez, Jason Wang

In this paper, we explore and compare multiple solutions to the problem of data augmentation in image classification.

Data Augmentation General Classification +1

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