1 code implementation • 16 Sep 2022 • Hao Fang, Anusha Balakrishnan, Harsh Jhamtani, John Bufe, Jean Crawford, Jayant Krishnamurthy, Adam Pauls, Jason Eisner, Jacob Andreas, Dan Klein
Satisfying these constraints simultaneously is difficult for the two predominant paradigms in language generation: neural language modeling and rule-based generation.
1 code implementation • 24 Sep 2020 • Semantic Machines, Jacob Andreas, John Bufe, David Burkett, Charles Chen, Josh Clausman, Jean Crawford, Kate Crim, Jordan DeLoach, Leah Dorner, Jason Eisner, Hao Fang, Alan Guo, David Hall, Kristin Hayes, Kellie Hill, Diana Ho, Wendy Iwaszuk, Smriti Jha, Dan Klein, Jayant Krishnamurthy, Theo Lanman, Percy Liang, Christopher H Lin, Ilya Lintsbakh, Andy McGovern, Aleksandr Nisnevich, Adam Pauls, Dmitrij Petters, Brent Read, Dan Roth, Subhro Roy, Jesse Rusak, Beth Short, Div Slomin, Ben Snyder, Stephon Striplin, Yu Su, Zachary Tellman, Sam Thomson, Andrei Vorobev, Izabela Witoszko, Jason Wolfe, Abby Wray, Yuchen Zhang, Alexander Zotov
We describe an approach to task-oriented dialogue in which dialogue state is represented as a dataflow graph.