Search Results for author: Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

Found 10 papers, 1 papers with code

Embedding Style Beyond Topics: Analyzing Dispersion Effects Across Different Language Models

1 code implementation1 Jan 2025 Benjamin Icard, Evangelia Zve, Lila Sainero, Alice Breton, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

This paper analyzes how writing style affects the dispersion of embedding vectors across multiple, state-of-the-art language models.

Graph Centrality Measures for Boosting Popularity-Based Entity Linking

no code implementations30 Nov 2017 Hussam Hamdan, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

Many Entity Linking systems use collective graph-based methods to disambiguate the entity mentions within a document.

Entity Linking graph construction +1

Investigating the stylistic relevance of adjective and verb simile markers

no code implementations10 Nov 2015 Suzanne Mpouli, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

Similes play an important role in literary texts not only as rhetorical devices and as figures of speech but also because of their evocative power, their aptness for description and the relative ease with which they can be combined with other figures of speech (Israel et al. 2004).

"Pale as death" or "pâle comme la mort" : Frozen similes used as literary clichés

no code implementations5 Nov 2015 Suzanne Mpouli, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

The present study is focused on the automatic identification and description of frozen similes in British and French novels written between the 19 th century and the beginning of the 20 th century.

Une mesure d'int\'er\^et \`a base de surrepr\'esentation pour l'extraction des motifs syntaxiques stylistiques

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2015 Mohamed Amine Boukhaled, Francesca Frontini, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia

Dans cette contribution, nous pr{\'e}sentons une {\'e}tude sur la stylistique computationnelle des textes de la litt{\'e}rature classiques fran{\c{c}}aise fond{\'e}e sur une approche conduite par donn{\'e}es, o{\`u} la d{\'e}couverte des motifs linguistiques int{\'e}ressants se fait sans aucune connaissance pr{\'e}alable.


MEDITE : logiciel d'alignement de textes pour l'\'etude de la g\'en\'etique textuelle

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2015 Zied Sellami, Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Mohamed Amine Boukhaled

MEDITE est un logiciel d{'}alignement de textes permettant l{'}identification de transformations entre une version et une autre d{'}un m{\^e}me texte.

Automatic Detection of Reuses and Citations in Literary Texts

no code implementations11 Apr 2014 Jean-Gabriel Ganascia, Pierre Glaudes, Andrea Del Lungo

For more than forty years now, modern theories of literature (Compagnon, 1979) insist on the role of paraphrases, rewritings, citations, reciprocal borrowings and mutual contributions of any kinds.

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