no code implementations • 10 Dec 2019 • Victoria Lin, Jeffrey M. Girard, Louis-Philippe Morency
In recent years, extensive research has emerged in affective computing on topics like automatic emotion recognition and determining the signals that characterize individual emotions.
1 code implementation • International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2019 • Ankit Parag Shah, Vaibhav Vaibhav, Vasu Sharma, Mahmoud Al Ismail, Jeffrey M. Girard, Louis Philippe Morency
In this work, we set out to study multimodal behavioral markers related to suicidal intent when expressed on social media videos.
Multimodal Emotion Recognition Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
no code implementations • 14 Feb 2017 • Michel F. Valstar, Enrique Sánchez-Lozano, Jeffrey F. Cohn, László A. Jeni, Jeffrey M. Girard, Zheng Zhang, Lijun Yin, Maja Pantic
The FG 2017 Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis challenge (FERA 2017) extends FERA 2015 to the estimation of Action Units occurrence and intensity under different camera views.