Search Results for author: Jeffrey P. Bigham

Found 25 papers, 10 papers with code

UICoder: Finetuning Large Language Models to Generate User Interface Code through Automated Feedback

no code implementations11 Jun 2024 Jason Wu, Eldon Schoop, Alan Leung, Titus Barik, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Jeffrey Nichols

Our method starts with an existing LLM and iteratively produces improved models by self-generating a large synthetic dataset using an original model, applying automated tools to aggressively filter, score, and de-duplicate the data into a refined higher quality dataset.

"What's important here?": Opportunities and Challenges of Using LLMs in Retrieving Information from Web Interfaces

no code implementations11 Dec 2023 Faria Huq, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Nikolas Martelaro

Large language models (LLMs) that have been trained on a corpus that includes large amount of code exhibit a remarkable ability to understand HTML code.

Autonomous Web Navigation

Latent Phrase Matching for Dysarthric Speech

no code implementations8 Jun 2023 Colin Lea, Dianna Yee, Jaya Narain, Zifang Huang, Lauren Tooley, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Leah Findlater

Many consumer speech recognition systems are not tuned for people with speech disabilities, resulting in poor recognition and user experience, especially for severe speech differences.

speech-recognition Speech Recognition

USB: A Unified Summarization Benchmark Across Tasks and Domains

1 code implementation23 May 2023 Kundan Krishna, Prakhar Gupta, Sanjana Ramprasad, Byron C. Wallace, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Zachary C. Lipton

While the NLP community has produced numerous summarization benchmarks, none provide the rich annotations required to simultaneously address many important problems related to control and reliability.

Abstractive Text Summarization Extractive Summarization +1

Downstream Datasets Make Surprisingly Good Pretraining Corpora

1 code implementation28 Sep 2022 Kundan Krishna, Saurabh Garg, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Zachary C. Lipton

In experiments addressing both ELECTRA and RoBERTa models and 10 distinct downstream classification datasets, we observe that self-pretraining rivals standard pretraining on the BookWiki corpus (despite using around $10\times$--$500\times$ less data), outperforming the latter on $7$ and $5$ datasets, respectively.

Question Answering

InstructDial: Improving Zero and Few-shot Generalization in Dialogue through Instruction Tuning

1 code implementation25 May 2022 Prakhar Gupta, Cathy Jiao, Yi-Ting Yeh, Shikib Mehri, Maxine Eskenazi, Jeffrey P. Bigham

We introduce InstructDial, an instruction tuning framework for dialogue, which consists of a repository of 48 diverse dialogue tasks in a unified text-to-text format created from 59 openly available dialogue datasets.

Dialogue Evaluation Dialogue Generation +3

Target-Guided Dialogue Response Generation Using Commonsense and Data Augmentation

no code implementations Findings (NAACL) 2022 Prakhar Gupta, Harsh Jhamtani, Jeffrey P. Bigham

Target-guided response generation enables dialogue systems to smoothly transition a conversation from a dialogue context toward a target sentence.

Data Augmentation Response Generation +1

Nonverbal Sound Detection for Disordered Speech

no code implementations15 Feb 2022 Colin Lea, Zifang Huang, Dhruv Jain, Lauren Tooley, Zeinab Liaghat, Shrinath Thelapurath, Leah Findlater, Jeffrey P. Bigham

Voice assistants have become an essential tool for people with various disabilities because they enable complex phone- or tablet-based interactions without the need for fine-grained motor control, such as with touchscreens.

Event Detection Sound Event Detection

Synthesizing Adversarial Negative Responses for Robust Response Ranking and Evaluation

1 code implementation Findings (ACL) 2021 Prakhar Gupta, Yulia Tsvetkov, Jeffrey P. Bigham

Experiments on classification, ranking and evaluation tasks across multiple datasets demonstrate that our approaches outperform strong baselines in providing informative negative examples for training dialogue systems.

Binary Classification Dialogue Evaluation

SEP-28k: A Dataset for Stuttering Event Detection From Podcasts With People Who Stutter

no code implementations24 Feb 2021 Colin Lea, Vikramjit Mitra, Aparna Joshi, Sachin Kajarekar, Jeffrey P. Bigham

The ability to automatically detect stuttering events in speech could help speech pathologists track an individual's fluency over time or help improve speech recognition systems for people with atypical speech patterns.

Event Detection speech-recognition +1

Controlling Dialogue Generation with Semantic Exemplars

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Prakhar Gupta, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Yulia Tsvetkov, Amy Pavel

Dialogue systems pretrained with large language models generate locally coherent responses, but lack the fine-grained control over responses necessary to achieve specific goals.

Dialogue Generation Response Generation

Extracting Structured Data from Physician-Patient Conversations By Predicting Noteworthy Utterances

no code implementations14 Jul 2020 Kundan Krishna, Amy Pavel, Benjamin Schloss, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Zachary C. Lipton

In this exploratory study, we describe a new dataset consisting of conversation transcripts, post-visit summaries, corresponding supporting evidence (in the transcript), and structured labels.


InstructableCrowd: Creating IF-THEN Rules for Smartphones via Conversations with the Crowd

no code implementations12 Sep 2019 Ting-Hao 'Kenneth' Huang, Amos Azaria, Oscar J. Romero, Jeffrey P. Bigham

The user verbally expresses a problem to the system, in which a group of crowd workers collectively respond and program relevant multi-part IF-THEN rules to help the user.

StateLens: A Reverse Engineering Solution for Making Existing Dynamic Touchscreens Accessible

1 code implementation20 Aug 2019 Anhong Guo, Junhan Kong, Michael Rivera, Frank F. Xu, Jeffrey P. Bigham

Second, using the state diagrams, StateLens automatically generates conversational agents to guide blind users through specifying the tasks that the interface can perform, allowing the StateLens iOS application to provide interactive guidance and feedback so that blind users can access the interface.

VizWiz Grand Challenge: Answering Visual Questions from Blind People

1 code implementation CVPR 2018 Danna Gurari, Qing Li, Abigale J. Stangl, Anhong Guo, Chi Lin, Kristen Grauman, Jiebo Luo, Jeffrey P. Bigham

The study of algorithms to automatically answer visual questions currently is motivated by visual question answering (VQA) datasets constructed in artificial VQA settings.

Question Answering Visual Question Answering

Evorus: A Crowd-powered Conversational Assistant Built to Automate Itself Over Time

no code implementations8 Jan 2018 Ting-Hao 'Kenneth' Huang, Joseph Chee Chang, Jeffrey P. Bigham

Crowd-powered conversational assistants have been shown to be more robust than automated systems, but do so at the cost of higher response latency and monetary costs.

Open-Domain Dialog

"Is there anything else I can help you with?": Challenges in Deploying an On-Demand Crowd-Powered Conversational Agent

no code implementations10 Aug 2017 Ting-Hao Kenneth Huang, Walter S. Lasecki, Amos Azaria, Jeffrey P. Bigham

To address this problem, we developed a crowd-powered conversational assistant, Chorus, and deployed it to see how users and workers would interact together when mediated by the system.


Real-time On-Demand Crowd-powered Entity Extraction

1 code implementation12 Apr 2017 Ting-Hao 'Kenneth' Huang, Yun-Nung Chen, Jeffrey P. Bigham

Output-agreement mechanisms such as ESP Game have been widely used in human computation to obtain reliable human-generated labels.

Entity Extraction using GAN

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