Search Results for author: Jeongho Park

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Conflict-Averse Gradient Aggregation for Constrained Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations1 Mar 2024 Dohyeong Kim, Mineui Hong, Jeongho Park, Songhwai Oh

We address these challenges straightforwardly by treating the maximization of multiple objectives as a constrained optimization problem (COP), where the constraints are defined to improve the original objectives.

Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Renderable Neural Radiance Map for Visual Navigation

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Obin Kwon, Jeongho Park, Songhwai Oh

We propose a novel type of map for visual navigation, a renderable neural radiance map (RNR-Map), which is designed to contain the overall visual information of a 3D environment.

Descriptive Visual Localization +1

Visual Graph Memory With Unsupervised Representation for Visual Navigation

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Obin Kwon, Nuri Kim, Yunho Choi, Hwiyeon Yoo, Jeongho Park, Songhwai Oh

We present a novel graph-structured memory for visual navigation, called visual graph memory (VGM), which consists of unsupervised image representations obtained from navigation history.

Navigate Visual Navigation

Robustness of Object Recognition under Extreme Occlusion in Humans and Computational Models

1 code implementation11 May 2019 Hongru Zhu, Peng Tang, Jeongho Park, Soojin Park, Alan Yuille

We test both humans and the above-mentioned computational models in a challenging task of object recognition under extreme occlusion, where target objects are heavily occluded by irrelevant real objects in real backgrounds.

Object Object Recognition

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