no code implementations • 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab112 2021 • Jeremy Charlier, Robert Nadon, Vladimir Makarenkov
Results: In our experiments, we compare the proposed sgRNA-DNA sequence encoding applied in a deep learning prediction framework with state-of-the-art encoding and prediction methods.
no code implementations • 5 Apr 2020 • Jeremy Charlier, Vladimir Makarenkov
An ensemble method is a ML method that combines multiple hypotheses to form a single hypothesis used for prediction.
no code implementations • 23 Nov 2019 • Jeremy Charlier
The retail banking services are one of the pillars of the modern economic growth.
no code implementations • 26 Aug 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Aman Singh, Gaston Ormazabal, Radu State, Henning Schulzrinne
SynGAN generates malicious packet flow mutations using real attack traffic, which can improve NIDS attack detection rates.
no code implementations • 24 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Vladimir Makarenkov
Our experiments on five real-world data sets with the state-of-the-art deep learning gradient optimization models show that VecHGrad is capable of converging considerably faster because of its superior theoretical convergence rate per step.
no code implementations • 24 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Gaston Ormazabal, Radu State, Jean Hilger
We propose MQLV, Modified Q-Learner for the Vasicek model, a new reinforcement learning approach that determines the optimal policy of money management based on the aggregated financial transactions of the clients.
no code implementations • 24 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Francois Petit, Gaston Ormazabal, Radu State, Jean Hilger
PHom-WAE minimizes the Wasserstein distance between the true distribution and the reconstructed distribution and uses persistent homology, the study of the topological features of a space at different spatial resolutions, to compare the nature of the latent manifold and the reconstructed distribution.
1 code implementation • 23 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Radu State, Jean Hilger
PHom-GeM minimizes an objective function between the true and the reconstructed distributions and uses persistent homology, the study of the topological features of a space at different spatial resolutions, to compare the nature of the true and the generated distributions.
1 code implementation • 23 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Radu State, Jean Hilger
The digital revolution of the banking system with evolving European regulations have pushed the major banking actors to innovate by a newly use of their clients' digital information.
no code implementations • 23 May 2019 • Jeremy Charlier, Eric Falk, Radu State, Jean Hilger
Nonetheless, the retail banks are looking to leverage the user-device authentication on the mobile banking applications to enhance the personal financial advertisement.