Search Results for author: Jerry Shen

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Adaptive Data Augmentation with Deep Parallel Generative Models

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Boli Fang, Miao Jiang, Abhirag Nagpure, Jerry Shen

Data augmentation(DA) is a useful technique to enlarge the size of the training set and prevent overfitting for different machine learning tasks when training data is scarce.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Data Augmentation +2

Achieving Fairness in Determining Medicaid Eligibility through Fairgroup Construction

no code implementations1 Jun 2019 Boli Fang, Miao Jiang, Jerry Shen

Effective complements to human judgment, artificial intelligence techniques have started to aid human decisions in complicated social problems across the world.

Classification Decision Making +2

Deep Generative Inpainting with Comparative Sample Augmentation

no code implementations25 Mar 2019 Boli Fang, Miao Jiang, Jerry Shen, Bjord Stenger

Recent advancements in deep learning techniques such as Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) and Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN) have achieved breakthroughs in the problem of semantic image inpainting, the task of reconstructing missing pixels in given images.

Diversity Image Inpainting

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