Search Results for author: Jesús Bescós

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Test-Time Adaptation for Keypoint-Based Spacecraft Pose Estimation Based on Predicted-View Synthesis

1 code implementation5 Oct 2024 Juan Ignacio Bravo Pérez-Villar, Álvaro García-Martín, Jesús Bescós, Juan C. SanMiguel

Due to the difficulty of replicating the real conditions during training, supervised algorithms for spacecraft pose estimation experience a drop in performance when trained on synthetic data and applied to real operational data.

Image Generation Pose Estimation +3

SPIN: Spacecraft Imagery for Navigation

1 code implementation11 Jun 2024 Javier Montalvo, Juan Ignacio Bravo Pérez-Villar, Álvaro García-Martín, Pablo Carballeira, Jesús Bescós

To address these limitations, we present SPIN (SPacecraft Imagery for Navigation), an open-source spacecraft image generation tool designed to support a wide range of visual navigation scenarios in space, with a particular focus on relative navigation tasks.

Data Augmentation Image Generation +3

Attention-based Knowledge Distillation in Multi-attention Tasks: The Impact of a DCT-driven Loss

no code implementations4 May 2022 Alejandro López-Cifuentes, Marcos Escudero-Viñolo, Jesús Bescós, Juan C. SanMiguel

Feature-based Knowledge Distillation is a subfield of KD that relies on intermediate network representations, either unaltered or depth-reduced via maximum activation maps, as the source knowledge.

Descriptive Knowledge Distillation +1

Semantic Driven Multi-Camera Pedestrian Detection

no code implementations27 Dec 2018 Alejandro López-Cifuentes, Marcos Escudero-Viñolo, Jesús Bescós, Pablo Carballeira

Contrarily to the majority of the methods of the state-of-the-art, the proposed approach is scene-agnostic, not requiring a tailored adaptation to the target scenario\textemdash e. g., via fine-tunning.

Attribute Pedestrian Detection +1

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