no code implementations • 22 Sep 2020 • Xiaofei Zhou, Jessica Van Brummelen, Phoebe Lin
Artificial intelligence (AI) literacy is a rapidly growing research area and a critical addition to K-12 education.
no code implementations • 11 Sep 2020 • Jessica Van Brummelen, Tommy Heng, Viktoriya Tabunshchyk
With children talking to smart-speakers, smart-phones and even smart-microwaves daily, it is increasingly important to educate students on how these agents work-from underlying mechanisms to societal implications.
no code implementations • 3 Mar 2020 • Jessica Van Brummelen, Kevin Weng, Phoebe Lin, Catherine Yeo
We found that users appreciated aspects of each system (e. g., voice-input efficiency, text-input precision) and that novice users were more optimistic about programming using voice-input than advanced users.