Search Results for author: Jesus O. Lacruz

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

HiSAC: High-Resolution Sensing with Multiband Communication Signals

no code implementations9 Jul 2024 Jacopo Pegoraro, Jesus O. Lacruz, Michele Rossi, Joerg Widmer

Integrated Sensing And Communication (ISAC ) systems are expected to perform accurate radar sensing while having minimal impact on communication.

Fundamental Trade-Offs in Monostatic ISAC: A Holistic Investigation Towards 6G

no code implementations31 Jan 2024 Musa Furkan Keskin, Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedian, Jesus O. Lacruz, Carina Marcus, Olof Eriksson, Andrea Giorgetti, Joerg Widmer, Henk Wymeersch

This paper undertakes a holistic investigation of two fundamental trade-offs in monostatic OFDM integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) systems-namely, the time-frequency trade-off and the spatial trade-off, originating from the choice of modulation order for random data and the design of beamforming strategies, respectively.

JUMP: Joint communication and sensing with Unsynchronized transceivers Made Practical

no code implementations16 Apr 2023 Jacopo Pegoraro, Jesus O. Lacruz, Tommy Azzino, Marco Mezzavilla, Michele Rossi, Joerg Widmer, Sundeep Rangan

We present JUMP, the first system enabling practical bistatic and asynchronous joint communication and sensing, while achieving accurate target tracking and micro-Doppler extraction in realistic conditions.

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