Search Results for author: Jia Yan

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Confidence-Aware Multi-Field Model Calibration

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Yuang Zhao, Chuhan Wu, Qinglin Jia, Hong Zhu, Jia Yan, Libin Zong, Linxuan Zhang, Zhenhua Dong, Muyu Zhang

Accurately predicting the probabilities of user feedback, such as clicks and conversions, is critical for advertisement ranking and bidding.

Differentially Private Over-the-Air Federated Learning Over MIMO Fading Channels

no code implementations19 Jun 2023 Hang Liu, Jia Yan, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang

Consequently, relying solely on communication noise, as done in the multiple-input single-output system, cannot meet high privacy requirements, and a device-side privacy-preserving mechanism is necessary for optimal DP design.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

TDACNN: Target-domain-free Domain Adaptation Convolutional Neural Network for Drift Compensation in Gas Sensors

no code implementations14 Oct 2021 Yuelin Zhang, Sihao Xiang, Zehuan Wang, Xiaoyan Peng, Yutong Tian, Shukai Duan, Jia Yan

Sensor drift is a long-existing unpredictable problem that deteriorates the performance of gaseous substance recognition, calling for an antidrift domain adaptation algorithm.

Domain Adaptation

A framework for massive scale personalized promotion

no code implementations27 Aug 2021 Yitao Shen, Yue Wang, Xingyu Lu, Feng Qi, Jia Yan, Yixiang Mu, Yao Yang, Yifan Peng, Jinjie Gu

In order to do effective optimization in the second stage, counterfactual prediction and noise-reduction are essential for the first stage.


Optimal Model Placement and Online Model Splitting for Device-Edge Co-Inference

no code implementations28 May 2021 Jia Yan, Suzhi Bi, Ying-Jun Angela Zhang

In practice, the DNN model is re-trained and updated periodically at the edge server.

Blind Image Quality Assessment Using A Deep Bilinear Convolutional Neural Network

1 code implementation5 Jul 2019 Weixia Zhang, Kede Ma, Jia Yan, Dexiang Deng, Zhou Wang

We propose a deep bilinear model for blind image quality assessment (BIQA) that handles both synthetic and authentic distortions.

Image Classification

No-Reference Quality Assessment of Contrast-Distorted Images using Contrast Enhancement

2 code implementations18 Apr 2019 Jia Yan, Jie Li, Xin Fu

No-reference image quality assessment (NR-IQA) aims to measure the image quality without reference image.

Image Aesthetics Assessment Using Composite Features from off-the-Shelf Deep Models

no code implementations22 Feb 2019 Xin Fu, Jia Yan, Cien Fan

Also, we analyzed the factors that could influence the performance from two aspects: the architecture of the deep neural network and the contribution of local and scene-aware information.

Image Classification Scene Recognition

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