Search Results for author: Jiaben Chen

Found 11 papers, 3 papers with code

UniMuMo: Unified Text, Music and Motion Generation

1 code implementation6 Oct 2024 Han Yang, Kun Su, Yutong Zhang, Jiaben Chen, Kaizhi Qian, Gaowen Liu, Chuang Gan

We introduce a music-motion parallel generation scheme that unifies all music and motion generation tasks into a single transformer decoder architecture with a single training task of music-motion joint generation.

Decoder Motion Generation

RapVerse: Coherent Vocals and Whole-Body Motions Generations from Text

no code implementations30 May 2024 Jiaben Chen, Xin Yan, Yihang Chen, Siyuan Cen, Qinwei Ma, Haoyu Zhen, Kaizhi Qian, Lie Lu, Chuang Gan

In this work, we introduce a challenging task for simultaneously generating 3D holistic body motions and singing vocals directly from textual lyrics inputs, advancing beyond existing works that typically address these two modalities in isolation.

Motion Generation

SportsSloMo: A New Benchmark and Baselines for Human-centric Video Frame Interpolation

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Jiaben Chen, Huaizu Jiang

We re-train several state-of-the-art methods on our benchmark, and the results show a decrease in their accuracy compared to other datasets.

Panoptic Segmentation Video Frame Interpolation

Deceptive-NeRF/3DGS: Diffusion-Generated Pseudo-Observations for High-Quality Sparse-View Reconstruction

no code implementations24 May 2023 Xinhang Liu, Jiaben Chen, Shiu-hong Kao, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

Novel view synthesis via Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) or 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) typically necessitates dense observations with hundreds of input images to circumvent artifacts.

Novel View Synthesis Super-Resolution

iQuery: Instruments as Queries for Audio-Visual Sound Separation

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Jiaben Chen, Renrui Zhang, Dongze Lian, Jiaqi Yang, Ziyao Zeng, Jianbo Shi

To generalize to a new instrument or event class, drawing inspiration from the text-prompt design, we insert an additional query as an audio prompt while freezing the attention mechanism.

Decoder Disentanglement

Unsupervised Multi-View Object Segmentation Using Radiance Field Propagation

no code implementations2 Oct 2022 Xinhang Liu, Jiaben Chen, Huai Yu, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

The core of our method is a novel propagation strategy for individual objects' radiance fields with a bidirectional photometric loss, enabling an unsupervised partitioning of a scene into salient or meaningful regions corresponding to different object instances.

3D Object Editing Object +2

VECtor: A Versatile Event-Centric Benchmark for Multi-Sensor SLAM

no code implementations4 Jul 2022 Ling Gao, Yuxuan Liang, Jiaqi Yang, Shaoxun Wu, Chenyu Wang, Jiaben Chen, Laurent Kneip

Event cameras have recently gained in popularity as they hold strong potential to complement regular cameras in situations of high dynamics or challenging illumination.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

DEVO: Depth-Event Camera Visual Odometry in Challenging Conditions

no code implementations5 Feb 2022 Yi-Fan Zuo, Jiaqi Yang, Jiaben Chen, Xia Wang, Yifu Wang, Laurent Kneip

We present a novel real-time visual odometry framework for a stereo setup of a depth and high-resolution event camera.

Computational Efficiency Visual Odometry

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