Search Results for author: Jiachen Luo

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

1st Place Solution to Odyssey Emotion Recognition Challenge Task1: Tackling Class Imbalance Problem

no code implementations30 May 2024 Mingjie Chen, Hezhao Zhang, Yuanchao Li, Jiachen Luo, Wen Wu, Ziyang Ma, Peter Bell, Catherine Lai, Joshua Reiss, Lin Wang, Philip C. Woodland, Xie Chen, Huy Phan, Thomas Hain

Previous work has utilised class weighted loss for training, but problems remain as it sometimes causes over-fitting for minor classes or under-fitting for major classes.

Speech Emotion Recognition

deep learning of segment-level feature representation for speech emotion recognition in conversations

no code implementations5 Feb 2023 Jiachen Luo, Huy Phan, Joshua Reiss

Accurately detecting emotions in conversation is a necessary yet challenging task due to the complexity of emotions and dynamics in dialogues.

Speech Emotion Recognition

cross-modal fusion techniques for utterance-level emotion recognition from text and speech

no code implementations5 Feb 2023 Jiachen Luo, Huy Phan, Joshua Reiss

Multimodal emotion recognition (MER) is a fundamental complex research problem due to the uncertainty of human emotional expression and the heterogeneity gap between different modalities.

Multimodal Emotion Recognition

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