Search Results for author: Jiacheng Gu

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

TCDformer-based Momentum Transfer Model for Long-term Sports Prediction

no code implementations16 Sep 2024 Hui Liu, Jiacheng Gu, Xiyuan Huang, Junjie Shi, Tongtong Feng, Ning He

Then it decomposes the reconstructed time series with momentum transfer into trend and seasonal components.

Prediction Time Series

LSTM-based Whisper Detection

no code implementations20 Sep 2018 Zeynab Raeesy, Kellen Gillespie, Zhenpei Yang, Chengyuan Ma, Thomas Drugman, Jiacheng Gu, Roland Maas, Ariya Rastrow, Björn Hoffmeister

We prove that, with enough data, the LSTM model is indeed as capable of learning whisper characteristics from LFBE features alone compared to a simpler MLP model that uses both LFBE and features engineered for separating whisper and normal speech.


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