Search Results for author: Jiahao Chen

Found 56 papers, 13 papers with code

Model-Agnostic Characterization of Fairness Trade-offs

no code implementations ICML 2020 Joon Kim, Jiahao Chen, Ameet Talwalkar

There exist several inherent trade-offs while designing a fair model, such as those between the model’s predictive accuracy and fairness, or even among different notions of fairness.


Make-A-Character 2: Animatable 3D Character Generation From a Single Image

no code implementations14 Jan 2025 Lin Liu, Yutong Wang, Jiahao Chen, Jianfang Li, Tangli Xue, Longlong Li, Jianqiang Ren, Liefeng Bo

This report introduces Make-A-Character 2, an advanced system for generating high-quality 3D characters from single portrait photographs, ideal for game development and digital human applications.

Image to 3D

Interpretable Enzyme Function Prediction via Residue-Level Detection

1 code implementation10 Jan 2025 Zhao Yang, Bing Su, Jiahao Chen, Ji-Rong Wen

It uses a set of learnable functional queries to adaptatively extract different local representations from the sequence of residue-level features for predicting different EC numbers.

Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION

AEIOU: A Unified Defense Framework against NSFW Prompts in Text-to-Image Models

no code implementations24 Dec 2024 Yiming Wang, Jiahao Chen, Qingming Li, Xing Yang, Shouling Ji

As text-to-image (T2I) models continue to advance and gain widespread adoption, their associated safety issues are becoming increasingly prominent.

Data Augmentation

OS-FPI: A Coarse-to-Fine One-Stream Network for UAV Geo-Localization

no code implementations10 Mar 2024 Jiahao Chen, Enhui Zheng, Ming Dai, Yifu Chen, Yusheng Lu

Furthermore, its performance in meter-level localization accuracy is impressive, with 182. 62% improvement in 3-meter accuracy, 164. 17% improvement in 5-meter accuracy, and 137. 43% improvement in 10-meter accuracy.


G4G:A Generic Framework for High Fidelity Talking Face Generation with Fine-grained Intra-modal Alignment

no code implementations28 Feb 2024 Juan Zhang, Jiahao Chen, Cheng Wang, Zhiwang Yu, Tangquan Qi, Di wu

Despite numerous completed studies, achieving high fidelity talking face generation with highly synchronized lip movements corresponding to arbitrary audio remains a significant challenge in the field.

Talking Face Generation

Domain-adaptive and Subgroup-specific Cascaded Temperature Regression for Out-of-distribution Calibration

no code implementations14 Feb 2024 Jiexin Wang, Jiahao Chen, Bing Su

Although deep neural networks yield high classification accuracy given sufficient training data, their predictions are typically overconfident or under-confident, i. e., the prediction confidences cannot truly reflect the accuracy.

Data Augmentation regression

Make-A-Character: High Quality Text-to-3D Character Generation within Minutes

no code implementations24 Dec 2023 Jianqiang Ren, Chao He, Lin Liu, Jiahao Chen, Yutong Wang, Yafei Song, Jianfang Li, Tangli Xue, Siqi Hu, Tao Chen, Kunkun Zheng, Jianjing Xiang, Liefeng Bo

There is a growing demand for customized and expressive 3D characters with the emergence of AI agents and Metaverse, but creating 3D characters using traditional computer graphics tools is a complex and time-consuming task.

3D Generation Text to 3D

Analysis of frequent trading effects of various machine learning models

no code implementations14 Sep 2023 Jiahao Chen, Xiaofei Li

This study aims to develop an advanced high-frequency trading algorithm and compare the performance of three different mathematical models: the combination of the cross-entropy loss function and the quasi-Newton algorithm, the FCNN model, and the vector machine.

Universal Defensive Underpainting Patch: Making Your Text Invisible to Optical Character Recognition

1 code implementation4 Aug 2023 Jiacheng Deng, Li Dong, Jiahao Chen, Diqun Yan, Rangding Wang, Dengpan Ye, Lingchen Zhao, Jinyu Tian

In this work, we propose a novel and effective defense mechanism termed the Universal Defensive Underpainting Patch (UDUP) that modifies the underpainting of text images instead of the characters.

Optical Character Recognition Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

Atomic and Subgraph-aware Bilateral Aggregation for Molecular Representation Learning

no code implementations22 May 2023 Jiahao Chen, Yurou Liu, Jiangmeng Li, Bing Su, JiRong Wen

In this paper, we introduce a new model for molecular representation learning called the Atomic and Subgraph-aware Bilateral Aggregation (ASBA), which addresses the limitations of previous atom-wise and subgraph-wise models by incorporating both types of information.

Molecular Property Prediction molecular representation +3

Toward Auto-evaluation with Confidence-based Category Relation-aware Regression

no code implementations17 Apr 2023 Jiexin Wang, Jiahao Chen, Bing Su

Auto-evaluation aims to automatically evaluate a trained model on any test dataset without human annotations.

regression Relation

Transfer Knowledge from Head to Tail: Uncertainty Calibration under Long-tailed Distribution

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Jiahao Chen, Bing Su

We adaptively transfer knowledge from head classes to get the target probability density of tail classes.

Domain Adaptation

Enhancing Deep Knowledge Tracing with Auxiliary Tasks

1 code implementation14 Feb 2023 Zitao Liu, Qiongqiong Liu, Jiahao Chen, Shuyan Huang, Boyu Gao, Weiqi Luo, Jian Weng

In this paper, we proposed \emph{AT-DKT} to improve the prediction performance of the original deep knowledge tracing model with two auxiliary learning tasks, i. e., \emph{question tagging (QT) prediction task} and \emph{individualized prior knowledge (IK) prediction task}.

Auxiliary Learning Knowledge Tracing

Improving Interpretability of Deep Sequential Knowledge Tracing Models with Question-centric Cognitive Representations

no code implementations14 Feb 2023 Jiahao Chen, Zitao Liu, Shuyan Huang, Qiongqiong Liu, Weiqi Luo

The results demonstrate that our approach is superior on the KT prediction task, and it outperforms a wide range of deep learning based KT models in terms of prediction accuracy with better model interpretability.

Deep Learning Knowledge Tracing

simpleKT: A Simple But Tough-to-Beat Baseline for Knowledge Tracing

1 code implementation14 Feb 2023 Zitao Liu, Qiongqiong Liu, Jiahao Chen, Shuyan Huang, Weiqi Luo

Knowledge tracing (KT) is the problem of predicting students' future performance based on their historical interactions with intelligent tutoring systems.

Knowledge Tracing

Can Querying for Bias Leak Protected Attributes? Achieving Privacy With Smooth Sensitivity

no code implementations3 Nov 2022 Faisal Hamman, Jiahao Chen, Sanghamitra Dutta

In this paper, we first demonstrate that simply querying for fairness metrics, such as statistical parity and equalized odds can leak the protected attributes of individuals to the model developers.

Attribute Fairness

Drone Referring Localization: An Efficient Heterogeneous Spatial Feature Interaction Method For UAV Self-Localization

1 code implementation13 Aug 2022 Ming Dai, Enhui Zheng, Jiahao Chen, Lei Qi, ZhenHua Feng, Wankou Yang

However, IR-based methods face several challenges: 1) Pre- and post-processing incur significant computational and storage overhead; 2) The lack of interaction between dual-source features impairs precise spatial perception.

Image Retrieval Retrieval +1

Differentially Private Counterfactuals via Functional Mechanism

no code implementations4 Aug 2022 Fan Yang, Qizhang Feng, Kaixiong Zhou, Jiahao Chen, Xia Hu

Counterfactual, serving as one emerging type of model explanation, has attracted tons of attentions recently from both industry and academia.

counterfactual valid

Wide & Deep Learning for Judging Student Performance in Online One-on-one Math Classes

1 code implementation13 Jul 2022 Jiahao Chen, Zitao Liu, Weiqi Luo

In this paper, we investigate the opportunities of automating the judgment process in online one-on-one math classes.


Detecting and Recovering Adversarial Examples from Extracting Non-robust and Highly Predictive Adversarial Perturbations

no code implementations30 Jun 2022 Mingyu Dong, Jiahao Chen, Diqun Yan, Jingxing Gao, Li Dong, Rangding Wang

Experimental results show that the proposed method can not only detect the adversarial examples with high accuracy, but also detect the specific category of the AEs.

Dryland evapotranspiration from remote sensing solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence: constraining an optimal stomatal model within a two-source energy balance model

no code implementations29 Jun 2022 Jingyi Bu, Guojing Gan, Jiahao Chen, Yanxin Su, Mengjia Yuan, Yanchun Gao, Francisco Domingo, Mirco Migliavacca, Tarek S. El-Madany, Pierre Gentine, Monica Garcia

For the CSIF model, the average R2 for ET estimates also improved when including the effect of soil moisture: from 0. 65 (0. 79) to 0. 71 (0. 84), with RMSE ranging between 0. 023 (0. 22) and 0. 043 (0. 54) mm depending on the site.

Fairness via In-Processing in the Over-parameterized Regime: A Cautionary Tale

no code implementations29 Jun 2022 Akshaj Kumar Veldanda, Ivan Brugere, Jiahao Chen, Sanghamitra Dutta, Alan Mishler, Siddharth Garg

We further show that MinDiff optimization is very sensitive to choice of batch size in the under-parameterized regime.


SC-Ques: A Sentence Completion Question Dataset for English as a Second Language Learners

1 code implementation24 Jun 2022 Qiongqiong Liu, Yaying Huang, Zitao Liu, Shuyan Huang, Jiahao Chen, Xiangyu Zhao, Guimin Lin, Yuyu Zhou, Weiqi Luo

Sentence completion (SC) questions present a sentence with one or more blanks that need to be filled in, three to five possible words or phrases as options.

Sentence Sentence Completion

DialogID: A Dialogic Instruction Dataset for Improving Teaching Effectiveness in Online Environments

1 code implementation24 Jun 2022 Jiahao Chen, Shuyan Huang, Zitao Liu, Weiqi Luo

In spite of the popularity and advantages of online learning, the education technology and educational data mining communities still suffer from the lack of large-scale, high-quality, and well-annotated teaching instruction datasets to study computational approaches to automatically detect online dialogic instructions and further improve the online teaching effectiveness.

A Design of A Simple Yet Effective Exercise Recommendation System in K-12 Online Learning

no code implementations23 Jun 2022 Shuyan Huang, Qiongqiong Liu, Jiahao Chen, Xiangen Hu, Zitao Liu, Weiqi Luo

We propose a simple but effective method to recommend exercises with high quality and diversity for students.


pyKT: A Python Library to Benchmark Deep Learning based Knowledge Tracing Models

2 code implementations23 Jun 2022 Zitao Liu, Qiongqiong Liu, Jiahao Chen, Shuyan Huang, Jiliang Tang, Weiqi Luo

However, the success behind deep learning based knowledge tracing (DLKT) approaches is still left somewhat unknown and proper measurement and analysis of these DLKT approaches remain a challenge.

Knowledge Tracing valid

Residual-Guided Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment

no code implementations22 Mar 2022 Zhe Ye, Jiahao Chen, Diqun Yan

We generate an enhanced speech on the impaired speech to compensate for the absence of the reference audio, then pair the information of residuals with the impaired speech.

Are My Deep Learning Systems Fair? An Empirical Study of Fixed-Seed Training

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Shangshu Qian, Hung Pham, Thibaud Lutellier, Zeou Hu, Jungwon Kim, Lin Tan, YaoLiang Yu, Jiahao Chen, Sameena Shah

Our study of 22 mitigation techniques and five baselines reveals up to 12. 6% fairness variance across identical training runs with identical seeds.

Crime Prediction Fairness

On the Current and Emerging Challenges of Developing Fair and Ethical AI Solutions in Financial Services

no code implementations2 Nov 2021 Eren Kurshan, Jiahao Chen, Victor Storchan, Hongda Shen

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to find more numerous and more critical applications in the financial services industry, giving rise to fair and ethical AI as an industry-wide objective.

Seven challenges for harmonizing explainability requirements

no code implementations11 Aug 2021 Jiahao Chen, Victor Storchan

Regulators have signalled an interest in adopting explainable AI(XAI) techniques to handle the diverse needs for model governance, operational servicing, and compliance in the financial services industry.

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Ontology drift is a challenge for explainable data governance

no code implementations11 Aug 2021 Jiahao Chen

We introduce the needs for explainable AI that arise from Standard No.

Beyond Fairness Metrics: Roadblocks and Challenges for Ethical AI in Practice

no code implementations11 Aug 2021 Jiahao Chen, Victor Storchan, Eren Kurshan

We review practical challenges in building and deploying ethical AI at the scale of contemporary industrial and societal uses.

Ethics Fairness

An Educational System for Personalized Teacher Recommendation in K-12 Online Classrooms

no code implementations15 Jul 2021 Jiahao Chen, Hang Li, Wenbiao Ding, Zitao Liu

In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective solution to build practical teacher recommender systems for online one-on-one classes.

Diversity Recommendation Systems

Counterfactual Explanations for Arbitrary Regression Models

no code implementations29 Jun 2021 Thomas Spooner, Danial Dervovic, Jason Long, Jon Shepard, Jiahao Chen, Daniele Magazzeni

We present a new method for counterfactual explanations (CFEs) based on Bayesian optimisation that applies to both classification and regression models.

Bayesian Optimisation counterfactual +1

Model-Based Counterfactual Synthesizer for Interpretation

no code implementations16 Jun 2021 Fan Yang, Sahan Suresh Alva, Jiahao Chen, Xia Hu

To address these limitations, we propose a Model-based Counterfactual Synthesizer (MCS) framework for interpreting machine learning models.

counterfactual Inductive Bias

Time Series Counterfactual Inference with Hidden Confounders

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Guangyu Li, Jiahao Chen, Samuel A Assefa, Yan Liu

We present augmented counterfactual ordinary differential equations (ACODEs), a new approach to counterfactual inference on time series data with a focus on healthcare applications.

counterfactual Counterfactual Inference +3

Provable Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning with Generative Models

no code implementations19 Nov 2020 Dongruo Zhou, Jiahao Chen, Quanquan Gu

Multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) is an extension of ordinary, single-objective reinforcement learning (RL) that is applicable to many real-world tasks where multiple objectives exist without known relative costs.

Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Q-Learning +2

Debiasing classifiers: is reality at variance with expectation?

no code implementations4 Nov 2020 Ashrya Agrawal, Florian Pfisterer, Bernd Bischl, Francois Buet-Golfouse, Srijan Sood, Jiahao Chen, Sameena Shah, Sebastian Vollmer

We present an empirical study of debiasing methods for classifiers, showing that debiasers often fail in practice to generalize out-of-sample, and can in fact make fairness worse rather than better.


Towards Self-Regulating AI: Challenges and Opportunities of AI Model Governance in Financial Services

no code implementations9 Oct 2020 Eren Kurshan, Hongda Shen, Jiahao Chen

As a part of the outlook, we present a system-level framework towards increased self-regulation for robustness and compliance.


Paying down metadata debt: learning the representation of concepts using topic models

no code implementations9 Oct 2020 Jiahao Chen, Manuela Veloso

We introduce a data management problem called metadata debt, to identify the mapping between data concepts and their logical representations.

Management Topic Models

CryptoCredit: Securely Training Fair Models

no code implementations9 Oct 2020 Leo de Castro, Jiahao Chen, Antigoni Polychroniadou

When developing models for regulated decision making, sensitive features like age, race and gender cannot be used and must be obscured from model developers to prevent bias.

Decision Making regression

Half-skyrmions and Bimerons in an antiferromagnetic insulator at room temperature

no code implementations23 Jun 2020 Hariom Jani, Jheng-Cyuan Lin, Jiahao Chen, Jack Harrison, Francesco Maccherozzi, Jonathan Schad, Saurav Prakash, Chang-Beom Eom, A. Ariando, T. Venkatesan, Paolo G. Radaelli

In the quest for post-CMOS technologies, ferromagnetic skyrmions and their anti-particles have shown great promise as topologically protected solitonic information carriers in memory-in-logic or neuromorphic devices.

Materials Science

SiBert: Enhanced Chinese Pre-trained Language Model with Sentence Insertion

1 code implementation LREC 2020 Jiahao Chen, Chenjie Cao, Xiuyan Jiang

However, some studies show that customized self-supervised tasks for a particular type of downstream task can effectively help the pre-trained model to capture more corresponding knowledge and semantic information.

Cloze Test Language Modeling +4

Heuristics for Link Prediction in Multiplex Networks

no code implementations9 Apr 2020 Robert E. Tillman, Vamsi K. Potluru, Jiahao Chen, Prashant Reddy, Manuela Veloso

Through experiments with simulated and real world scientific collaboration, transportation and global trade networks, we demonstrate that the proposed heuristics show increased performance with the richness of connection type correlation structure and significantly outperform their baseline heuristics for ordinary networks with a single connection type.

Link Prediction Vocal Bursts Type Prediction

FACT: A Diagnostic for Group Fairness Trade-offs

1 code implementation7 Apr 2020 Joon Sik Kim, Jiahao Chen, Ameet Talwalkar

Group fairness, a class of fairness notions that measure how different groups of individuals are treated differently according to their protected attributes, has been shown to conflict with one another, often with a necessary cost in loss of model's predictive performance.

Attribute Fairness

A Multimodal Alerting System for Online Class Quality Assurance

no code implementations1 Sep 2019 Jiahao Chen, Hang Li, Wenxin Wang, Wenbiao Ding, Gale Yan Huang, Zitao Liu

To warn the unqualified instructors and ensure the overall education quality, we build a monitoring and alerting system by utilizing multimodal information from the online environment.

Fairness Under Unawareness: Assessing Disparity When Protected Class Is Unobserved

1 code implementation27 Nov 2018 Jiahao Chen, Nathan Kallus, Xiaojie Mao, Geoffry Svacha, Madeleine Udell

We also propose an alternative weighted estimator that uses soft classification, and show that its bias arises simply from the conditional covariance of the outcome with the true class membership.

Decision Making Fairness +2

Fair lending needs explainable models for responsible recommendation

no code implementations12 Sep 2018 Jiahao Chen

The financial services industry has unique explainability and fairness challenges arising from compliance and ethical considerations in credit decisioning.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Explainable Models +1

Fast Flexible Function Dispatch in Julia

no code implementations9 Aug 2018 Jeff Bezanson, Jake Bolewski, Jiahao Chen

Technical computing is a challenging application area for programming languages to address.

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