Search Results for author: Jiahao Liang

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

FKA-Owl: Advancing Multimodal Fake News Detection through Knowledge-Augmented LVLMs

no code implementations4 Mar 2024 Xuannan Liu, Peipei Li, Huaibo Huang, Zekun Li, Xing Cui, Jiahao Liang, Lixiong Qin, Weihong Deng, Zhaofeng He

The massive generation of multimodal fake news involving both text and images exhibits substantial distribution discrepancies, prompting the need for generalized detectors.

Fake News Detection Image Manipulation +2

Gradient Attention Balance Network: Mitigating Face Recognition Racial Bias via Gradient Attention

no code implementations5 Apr 2023 Linzhi Huang, Mei Wang, Jiahao Liang, Weihong Deng, Hongzhi Shi, Dongchao Wen, Yingjie Zhang, Jian Zhao

Specifically, we use the gradient attention map (GAM) of the face recognition network to track the sensitive facial regions and make the GAMs of different races tend to be consistent through adversarial learning.

Face Recognition

DH-AUG: DH Forward Kinematics Model Driven Augmentation for 3D Human Pose Estimation

1 code implementation19 Jul 2022 Linzhi Huang, Jiahao Liang, Weihong Deng

To solve this problem, we propose a pose augmentation solution via DH forward kinematics model, which we call DH-AUG. We observe that the previous work is all based on single-frame pose augmentation, if it is directly applied to video pose estimator, there will be several previously ignored problems: (i) angle ambiguity in bone rotation (multiple solutions); (ii) the generated skeleton video lacks movement continuity.

3D Human Pose Estimation Diversity

Exploring Disentangled Content Information for Face Forgery Detection

no code implementations19 Jul 2022 Jiahao Liang, Huafeng Shi, Weihong Deng

Convolutional neural network based face forgery detection methods have achieved remarkable results during training, but struggled to maintain comparable performance during testing.


Identifying Rhythmic Patterns for Face Forgery Detection and Categorization

no code implementations4 Jul 2022 Jiahao Liang, Weihong Deng

Motivated by this key observation, we propose a framework for face forgery detection and categorization consisting of: 1) a Spatial-Temporal Filtering Network (STFNet) for PPG signals filtering, and 2) a Spatial-Temporal Interaction Network (STINet) for constraint and interaction of PPG signals.

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