Search Results for author: Jiahao Pan

Found 8 papers, 6 papers with code

Codec Does Matter: Exploring the Semantic Shortcoming of Codec for Audio Language Model

1 code implementation30 Aug 2024 Zhen Ye, Peiwen Sun, Jiahe Lei, Hongzhan Lin, Xu Tan, Zheqi Dai, Qiuqiang Kong, Jianyi Chen, Jiahao Pan, Qifeng Liu, Yike Guo, Wei Xue

By enhancing the semantic ability of the codec, X-Codec significantly reduces WER in speech synthesis tasks and extends these benefits to non-speech applications, including music and sound generation.

Audio Compression Audio Generation +4

MMTrail: A Multimodal Trailer Video Dataset with Language and Music Descriptions

1 code implementation30 Jul 2024 Xiaowei Chi, Yatian Wang, Aosong Cheng, Pengjun Fang, Zeyue Tian, Yingqing He, Zhaoyang Liu, Xingqun Qi, Jiahao Pan, Rongyu Zhang, Mengfei Li, Ruibin Yuan, Yanbing Jiang, Wei Xue, Wenhan Luo, Qifeng Chen, Shanghang Zhang, Qifeng Liu, Yike Guo

To fulfill this gap, we present MMTrail, a large-scale multi-modality video-language dataset incorporating more than 20M trailer clips with visual captions, and 2M high-quality clips with multimodal captions.

Audio Generation Image to Video Generation +2

ComposerX: Multi-Agent Symbolic Music Composition with LLMs

1 code implementation28 Apr 2024 Qixin Deng, Qikai Yang, Ruibin Yuan, Yipeng Huang, Yi Wang, Xubo Liu, Zeyue Tian, Jiahao Pan, Ge Zhang, Hanfeng Lin, Yizhi Li, Yinghao Ma, Jie Fu, Chenghua Lin, Emmanouil Benetos, Wenwu Wang, Guangyu Xia, Wei Xue, Yike Guo

Music composition represents the creative side of humanity, and itself is a complex task that requires abilities to understand and generate information with long dependency and harmony constraints.

In-Context Learning Music Generation

FlashSpeech: Efficient Zero-Shot Speech Synthesis

1 code implementation23 Apr 2024 Zhen Ye, Zeqian Ju, Haohe Liu, Xu Tan, Jianyi Chen, Yiwen Lu, Peiwen Sun, Jiahao Pan, Weizhen Bian, Shulin He, Qifeng Liu, Yike Guo, Wei Xue

The generation processes of FlashSpeech can be achieved efficiently with one or two sampling steps while maintaining high audio quality and high similarity to the audio prompt for zero-shot speech generation.

Speech Synthesis Voice Conversion

Weakly-Supervised Emotion Transition Learning for Diverse 3D Co-speech Gesture Generation

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Xingqun Qi, Jiahao Pan, Peng Li, Ruibin Yuan, Xiaowei Chi, Mengfei Li, Wenhan Luo, Wei Xue, Shanghang Zhang, Qifeng Liu, Yike Guo

In addition, the lack of large-scale available datasets with emotional transition speech and corresponding 3D human gestures also limits the addressing of this task.

Audio inpainting Gesture Generation

LyricWhiz: Robust Multilingual Zero-shot Lyrics Transcription by Whispering to ChatGPT

1 code implementation29 Jun 2023 Le Zhuo, Ruibin Yuan, Jiahao Pan, Yinghao Ma, Yizhi Li, Ge Zhang, Si Liu, Roger Dannenberg, Jie Fu, Chenghua Lin, Emmanouil Benetos, Wei Xue, Yike Guo

We introduce LyricWhiz, a robust, multilingual, and zero-shot automatic lyrics transcription method achieving state-of-the-art performance on various lyrics transcription datasets, even in challenging genres such as rock and metal.

Automatic Lyrics Transcription Language Modelling +3

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