Search Results for author: Jiahe Chen

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Mixed Gaussian Flow for Diverse Trajectory Prediction

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Jiahe Chen, Jinkun Cao, Dahua Lin, Kris Kitani, Jiangmiao Pang

However, mapping from a standard Gaussian by a flow-based model hurts the capacity to capture complicated patterns of trajectories, ignoring the under-represented motion intentions in the training data.

Trajectory Prediction

General-Purpose Multi-Modal OOD Detection Framework

no code implementations24 Jul 2023 Viet Duong, Qiong Wu, Zhengyi Zhou, Eric Zavesky, Jiahe Chen, Xiangzhou Liu, Wen-Ling Hsu, Huajie Shao

To reach this goal, we propose a general-purpose weakly-supervised OOD detection framework, called WOOD, that combines a binary classifier and a contrastive learning component to reap the benefits of both.

Contrastive Learning Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection

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