Search Results for author: Jiajia Zhang

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

DeCoF: Generated Video Detection via Frame Consistency: The First Benchmark Dataset

no code implementations3 Feb 2024 Long Ma, Jiajia Zhang, Hongping Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Qinglang Guo, Haiyang Yu, Yong Liao, Pengyuan Zhou

The escalating quality of video generated by advanced video generation methods results in new security challenges, while there have been few relevant research efforts: 1) There is no open-source dataset for generated video detection, 2) No generated video detection method has been proposed so far.

Video Generation

Sparse high-dimensional linear mixed modeling with a partitioned empirical Bayes ECM algorithm

no code implementations18 Oct 2023 Anja Zgodic, Ray Bai, Jiajia Zhang, Peter Olejua, Alexander C. McLain

We use empirical Bayes estimators of hyperparameters for increased flexibility and an Expectation-Conditional-Minimization (ECM) algorithm for computationally efficient maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) estimation of parameters.

Variable Selection

Quantifying predictive uncertainty of aphasia severity in stroke patients with sparse heteroscedastic Bayesian high-dimensional regression

1 code implementation15 Sep 2023 Anja Zgodic, Ray Bai, Jiajia Zhang, YuAn Wang, Chris Rorden, Alexander McLain

Bayesian heteroscedastic linear regression models relax the homoscedastic error assumption but can enforce restrictive prior assumptions on parameters, and many are computationally infeasible in the high-dimensional setting.

Prediction Intervals regression +1

SVDE: Scalable Value-Decomposition Exploration for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations16 Mar 2023 Shuhan Qi, Shuhao Zhang, Qiang Wang, Jiajia Zhang, Jing Xiao, Xuan Wang

In this paper, we propose a scalable value-decomposition exploration (SVDE) method, which includes a scalable training mechanism, intrinsic reward design, and explorative experience replay.

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +3

Efficient Distributed Framework for Collaborative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations11 May 2022 Shuhan Qi, Shuhao Zhang, Xiaohan Hou, Jiajia Zhang, Xuan Wang, Jing Xiao

However, due to the slow sample collection and poor sample exploration, there are still some problems in multi-agent reinforcement learning, such as unstable model iteration and low training efficiency.

Diversity reinforcement-learning +3

D2CFR: Minimize Counterfactual Regret with Deep Dueling Neural Network

no code implementations26 May 2021 Huale Li, Xuan Wang, Zengyue Guo, Jiajia Zhang, Shuhan Qi

Towards this problem, a recent method, \textit{Deep CFR} alleviates the need for abstraction and expert knowledge by applying deep neural networks directly to CFR in full games.


Onfocus Detection: Identifying Individual-Camera Eye Contact from Unconstrained Images

1 code implementation29 Mar 2021 Dingwen Zhang, Bo wang, Gerong Wang, Qiang Zhang, Jiajia Zhang, Jungong Han, Zheng You

Onfocus detection aims at identifying whether the focus of the individual captured by a camera is on the camera or not.

RLCFR: Minimize Counterfactual Regret by Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations10 Sep 2020 Huale Li, Xuan Wang, Fengwei Jia, Yi-Fan Li, Yulin Wu, Jiajia Zhang, Shuhan Qi

Extensive experimental results on various games have shown that the generalization ability of our method is significantly improved compared with existing state-of-the-art methods.

counterfactual Decision Making +3

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