Search Results for author: Jiajun Tang

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

VMINer: Versatile Multi-view Inverse Rendering with Near- and Far-field Light Sources

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Fan Fei, Jiajun Tang, Ping Tan, Boxin Shi

This paper introduces a versatile multi-view inverse rendering framework with near- and far-field light sources.

Inverse Rendering

DeRenderNet: Intrinsic Image Decomposition of Urban Scenes with Shape-(In)dependent Shading Rendering

no code implementations28 Apr 2021 Yongjie Zhu, Jiajun Tang, Si Li, Boxin Shi

We propose DeRenderNet, a deep neural network to decompose the albedo and latent lighting, and render shape-(in)dependent shadings, given a single image of an outdoor urban scene, trained in a self-supervised manner.

Intrinsic Image Decomposition

Asynchronous Interaction Aggregation for Action Detection

2 code implementations ECCV 2020 Jiajun Tang, Jin Xia, Xinzhi Mu, Bo Pang, Cewu Lu

We propose the Asynchronous Interaction Aggregation network (AIA) that leverages different interactions to boost action detection.

Action Detection

Three Branches: Detecting Actions With Richer Features

no code implementations13 Aug 2019 Jin Xia, Jiajun Tang, Cewu Lu

We present our three branch solutions for International Challenge on Activity Recognition at CVPR2019.

Activity Recognition Spatio-Temporal Action Localization +1

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