Search Results for author: Jiajun Zhou

Found 23 papers, 8 papers with code

Network Anomaly Traffic Detection via Multi-view Feature Fusion

no code implementations12 Sep 2024 Song Hao, Wentao Fu, Xuanze Chen, Chengxiang Jin, Jiajun Zhou, Shanqing Yu, Qi Xuan

MuFF models the temporal and interactive relationships of packets in network traffic based on the temporal and interactive viewpoints respectively.

Enhancing Ethereum Fraud Detection via Generative and Contrastive Self-supervision

no code implementations1 Aug 2024 Chenxiang Jin, Jiajun Zhou, Chenxuan Xie, Shanqing Yu, Qi Xuan, Xiaoniu Yang

The rampant fraudulent activities on Ethereum hinder the healthy development of the blockchain ecosystem, necessitating the reinforcement of regulations.

Fraud Detection

Dual-view Aware Smart Contract Vulnerability Detection for Ethereum

no code implementations29 Jun 2024 Jiacheng Yao, Maolin Wang, Wanqi Chen, Chengxiang Jin, Jiajun Zhou, Shanqing Yu, Qi Xuan

The wide application of Ethereum technology has brought technological innovation to traditional industries.

Vulnerability Detection

A Federated Parameter Aggregation Method for Node Classification Tasks with Different Graph Network Structures

no code implementations24 Mar 2024 Hao Song, Jiacheng Yao, Zhengxi Li, Shaocong Xu, Shibo Jin, Jiajun Zhou, Chenbo Fu, Qi Xuan, Shanqing Yu

Additionally, for the privacy security of FLGNN, this paper designs membership inference attack experiments and differential privacy defense experiments.

Federated Learning Graph Neural Network +3

LoRETTA: Low-Rank Economic Tensor-Train Adaptation for Ultra-Low-Parameter Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

1 code implementation18 Feb 2024 Yifan Yang, Jiajun Zhou, Ngai Wong, Zheng Zhang

Various parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques have been proposed to enable computationally efficient fine-tuning while maintaining model performance.

Multi-Task Learning parameter-efficient fine-tuning

A Unifying Tensor View for Lightweight CNNs

no code implementations15 Dec 2023 Jason Chun Lok Li, Rui Lin, Jiajun Zhou, Edmund Yin Mun Lam, Ngai Wong

Despite the decomposition of convolutional kernels for lightweight CNNs being well studied, existing works that rely on tensor network diagrams or hyperdimensional abstraction lack geometry intuition.

Hundred-Kilobyte Lookup Tables for Efficient Single-Image Super-Resolution

1 code implementation11 Dec 2023 Binxiao Huang, Jason Chun Lok Li, Jie Ran, Boyu Li, Jiajun Zhou, Dahai Yu, Ngai Wong

Conventional super-resolution (SR) schemes make heavy use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which involve intensive multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations, and require specialized hardware such as graphics processing units.

Image Super-Resolution

Lite it fly: An All-Deformable-Butterfly Network

no code implementations14 Nov 2023 Rui Lin, Jason Chun Lok Li, Jiajun Zhou, Binxiao Huang, Jie Ran, Ngai Wong

Most deep neural networks (DNNs) consist fundamentally of convolutional and/or fully connected layers, wherein the linear transform can be cast as the product between a filter matrix and a data matrix obtained by arranging feature tensors into columns.

PathMLP: Smooth Path Towards High-order Homophily

1 code implementation23 Jun 2023 Jiajun Zhou, Chenxuan Xie, Shengbo Gong, Jiaxu Qian, Shanqing Yu, Qi Xuan, Xiaoniu Yang

However, common practices in GNNs to acquire high-order information mainly through increasing model depth and altering message-passing mechanisms, which, albeit effective to a certain extent, suffer from three shortcomings: 1) over-smoothing due to excessive model depth and propagation times; 2) high-order information is not fully utilized; 3) low computational efficiency.

Computational Efficiency Representation Learning

Clarify Confused Nodes via Separated Learning

no code implementations4 Jun 2023 Jiajun Zhou, Shengbo Gong, Chenxuan Xie, Shanqing Yu, Qi Xuan, Xiaoniu Yang

A minority of studies attempt to train different node groups separately but suffer from inappropriate separation metrics and low efficiency.

Neighborhood Homophily-based Graph Convolutional Network

1 code implementation24 Jan 2023 Shengbo Gong, Jiajun Zhou, Chenxuan Xie, Qi Xuan

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been proved powerful in graph-oriented tasks.

Node Classification

Data Augmentation on Graphs: A Technical Survey

1 code implementation20 Dec 2022 Jiajun Zhou, Chenxuan Xie, Shengbo Gong, Zhenyu Wen, Xiangyu Zhao, Qi Xuan, Xiaoniu Yang

To advance research in this emerging direction, this survey provides a comprehensive review and summary of existing graph data augmentation (GDAug) techniques.

Data Augmentation Graph Representation Learning

Discover Important Paths in the Knowledge Graph Based on Dynamic Relation Confidence

no code implementations2 Nov 2022 Shanqing Yu, Yijun Wu, Ran Gan, Jiajun Zhou, Ziwan Zheng, Qi Xuan

Most of the existing knowledge graphs are not usually complete and can be complemented by some reasoning algorithms.

Knowledge Graphs Relation

Time-aware Metapath Feature Augmentation for Ponzi Detection in Ethereum

no code implementations30 Oct 2022 Chengxiang Jin, Jiajun Zhou, Jie Jin, Jiajing Wu, Qi Xuan

With the development of Web 3. 0 which emphasizes decentralization, blockchain technology ushers in its revolution and also brings numerous challenges, particularly in the field of cryptocurrency.

PECAN: A Product-Quantized Content Addressable Memory Network

no code implementations13 Aug 2022 Jie Ran, Rui Lin, Jason Chun Lok Li, Jiajun Zhou, Ngai Wong

A novel deep neural network (DNN) architecture is proposed wherein the filtering and linear transform are realized solely with product quantization (PQ).


SubGraph Networks based Entity Alignment for Cross-lingual Knowledge Graph

no code implementations7 May 2022 Shanqing Yu, Shihan Zhang, Jianlin Zhang, Jiajun Zhou, Qi Xuan, Bing Li, Xiaojuan Hu

Cross-lingual knowledge graph entity alignment aims to discover the cross-lingual links in the multi-language KGs, which is of great significance to the NLP applications and multi-language KGs fusion.

Entity Alignment Knowledge Graphs

Cross Cryptocurrency Relationship Mining for Bitcoin Price Prediction

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Panpan Li, Shengbo Gong, Shaocong Xu, Jiajun Zhou, Yu Shanqing, Qi Xuan

In this work, we propose a generic Cross-Cryptocurrency Relationship Mining module, named C2RM, which can effectively capture the synchronous and asynchronous impact factors between Bitcoin and related Altcoins.

Dynamic Time Warping

Identity Inference on Blockchain using Graph Neural Network

1 code implementation14 Apr 2021 Jie Shen, Jiajun Zhou, Yunyi Xie, Shanqing Yu, Qi Xuan

In this paper, we present a novel approach to analyze user's behavior from the perspective of the transaction subgraph, which naturally transforms the identity inference task into a graph classification pattern and effectively avoids computation in large-scale graph.

Graph Classification Graph Mining +1

M-Evolve: Structural-Mapping-Based Data Augmentation for Graph Classification

no code implementations11 Jul 2020 Jiajun Zhou, Jie Shen, Shanqing Yu, Guanrong Chen, Qi Xuan

Graph classification, which aims to identify the category labels of graphs, plays a significant role in drug classification, toxicity detection, protein analysis etc.

Data Augmentation General Classification +1

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