Search Results for author: Jiakang Li

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Case-based reasoning approach for diagnostic screening of children with developmental delays

no code implementations18 Jul 2024 Zichen Song, Jiakang Li, Songning Lai, Sitan Huang

This research adopts a hybrid model combining a CNN-Transformer model with Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) to enhance the screening efficiency for children with developmental delays.

CCSRP: Robust Pruning of Spiking Neural Networks through Cooperative Coevolution

no code implementations18 Jul 2024 Zichen Song, Jiakang Li, Songning Lai, Sitan Huang

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have shown promise in various dynamic visual tasks, yet those ready for practical deployment often lack the compactness and robustness essential in resource-limited and safety-critical settings.

Evolutionary Algorithms Network Pruning

A Comprehensive Review of Community Detection in Graphs

no code implementations21 Sep 2023 Jiakang Li, Songning Lai, Zhihao Shuai, Yuan Tan, Yifan Jia, Mianyang Yu, Zichen Song, Xiaokang Peng, Ziyang Xu, Yongxin Ni, Haifeng Qiu, Jiayu Yang, Yutong Liu, Yonggang Lu

This review article delves into the topic of community detection in graphs, which serves as a thorough exposition of various community detection methods from perspectives of modularity-based method, spectral clustering, probabilistic modelling, and deep learning.

Community Detection Sociology

Community Detection Using Revised Medoid-Shift Based on KNN

no code implementations19 Apr 2023 Jie Hou, Jiakang Li, Xiaokang Peng, Wei Ke, Yonggang Lu

During the process of finding the next medoid, the RMS algorithm is based on a neighborhood defined by KNN, while the original Medoid-Shift is based on a neighborhood defined by a distance parameter.

Clustering Community Detection

When Automatic Voice Disguise Meets Automatic Speaker Verification

no code implementations15 Sep 2020 Linlin Zheng, Jiakang Li, Meng Sun, Xiongwei Zhang, Thomas Fang Zheng

The proposed approach generalizes well to restore the disguise with nonlinear frequency warping in VTLN by reducing its EER from 34. 3% to 18. 5%.

Miscellaneous Speaker Verification +1

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