Search Results for author: Jiamin Liu

Found 8 papers, 2 papers with code

Attentive Q-Matrix Learning for Knowledge Tracing

1 code implementation6 Apr 2023 Zhongfeng Jia, Wei Su, Jiamin Liu, Wenli Yue

This is the main idea of Knowledge Tracing (KT), which models students' mastery of knowledge concepts (KCs, skills needed to solve a question) based on their past interactions on platforms.

Knowledge Tracing

ULDor: A Universal Lesion Detector for CT Scans with Pseudo Masks and Hard Negative Example Mining

1 code implementation18 Jan 2019 Youbao Tang, Ke Yan, Yu-Xing Tang, Jiamin Liu, Jing Xiao, Ronald M. Summers

To address this problem, this work constructs a pseudo mask for each lesion region that can be considered as a surrogate of the real mask, based on which the Mask R-CNN is employed for lesion detection.

Computed Tomography (CT) Lesion Detection

DeepOrgan: Multi-level Deep Convolutional Networks for Automated Pancreas Segmentation

no code implementations22 Jun 2015 Holger R. Roth, Le Lu, Amal Farag, Hoo-chang Shin, Jiamin Liu, Evrim Turkbey, Ronald M. Summers

We propose and evaluate several variations of deep ConvNets in the context of hierarchical, coarse-to-fine classification on image patches and regions, i. e. superpixels.

Automated Pancreas Segmentation Computed Tomography (CT) +5

A Bottom-up Approach for Pancreas Segmentation using Cascaded Superpixels and (Deep) Image Patch Labeling

no code implementations22 May 2015 Amal Farag, Le Lu, Holger R. Roth, Jiamin Liu, Evrim Turkbey, Ronald M. Summers

We present a bottom-up approach for pancreas segmentation in abdominal CT scans that is based on a hierarchy of information propagation by classifying image patches at different resolutions; and cascading superpixels.

Computational Efficiency Organ Segmentation +4

Improving Computer-aided Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks and Random View Aggregation

no code implementations12 May 2015 Holger R. Roth, Le Lu, Jiamin Liu, Jianhua Yao, Ari Seff, Kevin Cherry, Lauren Kim, Ronald M. Summers

By leveraging existing CAD systems, coordinates of regions or volumes of interest (ROI or VOI) for lesion candidates are generated in this step and function as input for a second tier, which is our focus in this study.

2D View Aggregation for Lymph Node Detection Using a Shallow Hierarchy of Linear Classifiers

no code implementations14 Aug 2014 Ari Seff, Le Lu, Kevin M. Cherry, Holger Roth, Jiamin Liu, Shijun Wang, Joanne Hoffman, Evrim B. Turkbey, Ronald M. Summers

In this paper, we propose a new algorithm representation of decomposing the LN detection problem into a set of 2D object detection subtasks on sampled CT slices, largely alleviating the curse of dimensionality issue.

object-detection Object Detection

A Bottom-Up Approach for Automatic Pancreas Segmentation in Abdominal CT Scans

no code implementations31 Jul 2014 Amal Farag, Le Lu, Evrim Turkbey, Jiamin Liu, Ronald M. Summers

Organ segmentation is a prerequisite for a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to detect pathologies and perform quantitative analysis.

Clustering Computed Tomography (CT) +4

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